6 | Give

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| Ricky's POV |

Everyone had left, and it was just Chris and I in our own home. We both washed up before going to bed. He always makes me take a shower first, to make sure I get all the hot water. Little things, like that, he does constantly. He's so good to me. But, he also tortures me!

He looked so goddamn good when he stepped out of the shower. Only a towel was wrapped around his waist. It was tight too, and I could see the outline of his... unff. He turned his back to me as he went to get clothes out of the dresser. Chris was blocking my view of the TV but I wasn't complaining.

"Chris." I whined as I watched him drop his towel and pull on some briefs.

He glanced over his shoulder, completely oblivious to what he was doing to me. "What?" He asked.

I sighed, raising my hand to my mouth. Fuck. I bit down on my knuckles a bit, trying my best not to come undone. "I know you don't want to have sex, and I respect that, but could you try a little harder to make me not want to."

He laughed, and I groaned to hear his deep voice. Chris approached the side of the bed. "I'm sorry. I can't help I'm so sexy." He snickered as he got into bed and planted a kiss on the crook of my neck.

I pushed him back playfully. "Stoop! You're not helping!" I giggled.

"I'm not?" Chris smirked, crawling on top of me. He started to tickle my sides and kiss my neck, causing me to laugh like a little kid. "Is this not helping?"

"Stop it!" I laughed.

Chris smiled as he stole a kiss from my lips. He hovered over me, letting me calm down. "You're adorable, you know that?"

"Don't call me cute. I'm gruesome." I fake pouted.

"You're about as gruesome as Clairea." He teased.

"Hey! She's a badass! Have you seen what she's done to the drapes?"

"Trust me, I know! I had to replace them." Chris got off of me and laid on his side next to me. He set his hand on my bare chest, propping his head on his elbow with the other arm. "I love you. You know that, right?"

"I love you, too." I replied. I put my hand over his, feeling my heart beat against my chest.

Chris relaxed more into the bed. He repositioned himself to be on his back, and he pat he chest. I softly grinned and snuggled up to him. His chest was so strong, and his skin so soft. I loved to hear him breath, and to hear his heartbeat.

"Have you ever thought about having kids?" Chris softly asked. I glanced up at him, not really sure what to ask. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that..."

"Why? We should talk about it." I said.

"I just didn't know if you wanted to. It's... a tough subject."

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Two or three." He muttered. "Whatever you want."

"I'm not sure really. We aren't even engaged or talked about marriage or anything."

"I know." He sighed. "I've just been thinking about our future a lot lately."

I looked up at him. "Our future?"

"Our future." He repeated. "You and I. I hope that's okay, that I want us to have a future together."

I kissed him briefly. "Of course. I want to love you, forever and ever."

"Forever is a long time." He teased.

"Yet it still doesn't feel like enough time together." I smiled.

Chris grinned and tightened his grip around me. It was true: I want to love him forever. I'm not really sure about kids or any of that right now, but I will go anywhere and do anything, as long as I'm with him.

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