38 | Interview

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A/N: a while ago I had you guys vote on which ring should be Ricky's. It was close but you chose the black one!

Now I need your help picking out Chris'! Picture is attached, let me know what you guys think.

| Ricky's POV |

I think I actually slept with a smile on my face the entire night. I was BEYOND HAPPY! Nothing could possibly bring my mood down. I was finally marrying the love of my life! I love this man so much! Chris was my definition of perfection.

As far as telling the fans, we decided to tease them. Late last night Balz posted a picture of right after Chris had purposes, when I tackled him with a hug and a kiss. He wrote on the caption, "Can't go anywhere with these two. #LoveBirds #StopMakingOutInTheMiddleOfDinner"

Everyone just played it off as a cute random moment. The same goes for a picture I posted last night. It was a picture under the Seattle stars, with Chris standing behind me. He had his arms wrapped around my waist. The caption I put was, "Sleepless in Seattle. Amazing show and great to see Kuza and December! Most importantly, I had a very memorable night with my handsome man <3 Thanks for the memories, Seattle!"

Then this morning Chris posted a picture we took late last night. It's a close up of Chris and I kissing. I have my hand on his face, and you can clearly see the ring. All he put for a caption was "Guess what?" And of course everyone lost it! Our fans love us so much and they're so supportive. They've been rooting for us to get married for a while now.

We're waiting to officially confirm it until today. We decided to do so in two instances. The first, the tour is stopping in Los Angeles today, so we're going to announce it during an interview we're filming. However the interview won't be out for a few weeks. Tomorrow night, on our day off, we already had planned to do a live stream for our new music video release, and we plan to announce it during that. I can't wait to see the fans reactions!

The show started in a few hours. I already had my makeup on to do the interview. Chris and I have obviously been inseparable today! We were sitting on the couch, his arms around me, when the tour manager let Bryan and Johnnie on the bus. This is our bajillionth interview with Bryan.

Chris stood up to shake his hand and say hello. Then he sat down next to me, and Devin appeared on the other side of me. Because we were a little crunched for time, we got right into the interview.

"Alright, Motionless In White." Bryan started out. "This is our sixth or seventh interview?"

"Somewhere in there. I think I lost count after like five." Chris laughed. "I'm the most excited for this one though, than any of the previous ones."

"Really? Why's that?" He asked.

Chris glanced down at me with the cutest smile. "You want to just tell them now?"

"Um, no. Let's get through a few questions first." I replied.

"Okay, well, we have a big announcement later on in the interview." He said.

"Oh really? Well let's get through the questions so we can get to that announcement. Why don't you introduce yourself and say your role in the band."

He started at Ryan and Balz, who were on the opposite side of him as we were.

"Hi, I'm Balz. I play keyboards." He did his usual greeting.

"S'up?" Ryan snickered. "I'm Ryan. I play guitar and occasionally punch Ricky."

"You punch all of us." Balz pointed out.

"It's only fun to do to Ricky though." He replied.

Chris shook his head at their shenanigans. "I'm Chris, I sing, and I kick Ryan's ass anytime he touches Ricky."

By this point I was laughing, but I still managed to keep it together to introduce myself. "My name's Ricky, and I play guitar."

Bryan reached over me to get to Devin. "I'm Ghost and I dance for the band." He said, which was what broke me into a fit of laughter.

"You're so cute when you laugh." Chris smiled brightly at me.

"You find Ricky cute, Chris?" Bryan asked.

"I'd hope you found your own boyfriend cute!" I interrupted.

"Yeah, he's kind of got me there." Chris answered. "Ricky and I have been in a relationship, an actually like love relationship not a friendship, for a little over five years now. So I do find him cute, and beautiful, and sexy, and all the other cheesy ass shit."

"They are far from the cheesiest couple in the band though." Balz stated.

"Who's the cheesiest?" Bryan questioned.

Immediately Ryan and Balz pointed over to Devin. I glanced back at him to see he was somewhat blushing as the mic got turned on him.

"I'm a huge romantic. I've always been into seducing and romancing the one I love, and he definitely doesn't complain. I love my husband, and I'm proud to call him mine."

I had to keep myself from awing because he is so good to Shiloh. Of course Ryan had to ruin it.

"Gross." He commented.

"See he's the one single guy in the band," Balz spoke as he gestured back to Ryan. "So he's just jealous."


We were drawing close to the end of the interview. I always enjoy our interviews with Bryan because they aren't boring! He's a fan favorite too.

"So, it's about time to wrap things up, which means it's big announcement time." He spoke to Chris.

"Which means it's big announcement time." Chris sighed with a smile. He glanced over at me, and I smiled in return. "You wanna say it?"

I blushed. "No, go head."

"Okay, sorry, we're nervous. We're happy but we're incredibly nervous at how everyone watching will react. To cut to the chase, Ricky and I got engaged last night!"

"Seriously?" Bryan asked.

"Seriously!" I responded.

"I get to be a groomsman, right? And Johnnie can be the flower girl?" He joked.

Chris laughed. "Absolutely. That sounds like a fantastic idea."

"Well congrats man!"

"Thanks." He smiled, then kissed the side of my head. "I love youuu."

I grinned ear to ear. "I love you too."

He pecked my lips, then decided to get back at me for the other day and lick my face. I pulled away, laughing. What would I ever do without this idiot?

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