39 | Announce

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Partly based this chapter off the live stream they did years back for the release of the Devil's Night video

| Ricky's POV |

Tonight we had a day off in southern California. Though it wasn't much of a day off, because we're doing a live stream of the new music video off our new album. Chris and I spent the day in bed, just being an overly happy couple. It does scare me when things are going this good, because it never lasts. I've got to remain optimistic. Maybe we finally have reached a point where the pain is behind us.

Ryan and Balz decided to go do their own thing. I think Ryan is sleeping, and Balz went shopping. I don't even know where Vinny is, but I don't pay much attention to him. So, the live stream was left up to Chris, Devin, and myself. Watching Chris fumble with technology is adorable.

"Babe, you need help?" I asked, trying to hold back a laugh.

"No, I'll be fine, but I am not letting the Goddamn internet beat me. Hold on guys." He told the audience. "We will figure this out, because I definitely want to see the chat. We have a big announcement after we play the video."

"If we can figure out how to play the video." I replied.

"We will." Chris insisted. "Until then, tweet some questions to the main Twitter, and Ghost and Ricky will try to answer them while I figure this out."

"Go get Josh." I told him as I pulled out my phone.

"No, I can get this." He said.

I smiled at shook my head at his stubbornness. It didn't take long for questions to pour in, so I started reading them off. "What city are we in? I don't know. Somewhere in California."

"We're in Riverside." Devin answered.

"Someone wants to know how Shiloh and Bella are."

"They're doing great, thanks for asking." He spoke, then sighed. "I miss them a lot, but luckily we only have a few more dates left until we fly home."

"Bella is starting first grade in the fall, isn't she?" I asked him.

He smiled. "Don't remind me. She's growing up too fast. Hopefully her teacher this year actually likes Shiloh and I. Her Kindergarten teacher wasn't a big fan of us. I'm not sure if it was the makeup or because we're gay, but she liked Bella. That's all that matters."

Devin could go on and on about her if I let him. He's loves his little girl so much. It's amazing.

I went back to my phone and started reading more questions. "Chris looks like he's close to figuring this out, so I'm going to do a bunch of questions really fast. Weirdest thing you've ever seen during a show? There's no such thing as normal at our shows. Where's Ryan and Balz? Being lazy asses. Favorite ice cream flavor? Birthday cake. Worst stage moment? I fell through a hole in the stage once and got my leg caught. You're gay. That's not a question but we know."

Chris laughed. "People say that to us all the time, and we're like, yeah, we know. We have gay sex with each other all the time."

"Ghost, someone asked what's you and Shiloh's song?" I asked, glancing back at him.

"Home Sweet Home." He responded.

"Chris and I's is I Don't Want to Miss a Thing." I added. "Do you have everything fixed?"

"I think so." Chris said. "So, we're going to play the video for you guys, then we'll be back. Hopefully you'll like it."


We played the video and of course the fans went crazy over it! All of us went through a few more questions, until Chris cut us off.

"Okay, so we have a huge announcement." He glanced back at me nervously. "I don't know how everyone is going to feel about it, but I think most everyone will be happy."

"They better be." Devin jokingly muttered.

Chris smiled and grabbed his phone off the counter. "We did do the first official announcement in an interview, but that's not coming out for a little while, so we decided to do it tonight. Now, I didn't tell Ricky about this next part, but there's actually two really important people to tell. You guys, of course, and our old drummer, Angelo."

"You haven't told Ange yet?" I muttered, somewhat surprised.

"I haven't. So we're going to call him." Chris began ringing the number and put it on speaker. It took a few rings before Angelo picked up. "Hey Ange. Is now a good time to talk?"

"Yeah, I'm just watching the shop. No one's here right now." He replied. He had absolutely no idea.

"Okay, well I have something important to tell you. Just so you know, you're on speaker in front of Ricky, Ghost, and about five thousand people watching our live stream right now."

"No pressure." I snickered.

Ange slightly laughed. "No pressure. So what's so important?"

"I finally purposed to Ricky." Chris said, somewhat nervous.

The chat on the live stream already blew up in an instant.

"Well did he say yes?!" Angelo anxiously asked.

"No." Chris smirked. "He said fuck yes."

"About fucking time!" He replied. "Congrats knuckleheads. I love you both."

"Thanks, Ange. And thank you to all the creatures freaking the fuck out right now."

I couldn't stop smiling! "There were people asking during the Q&A when we're getting married, and I wanted to say something so bad but I had to wait. It was worth the wait though."

"They're asking for a celebratory kiss." Ghost pointed out.

I turned to Chris. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a very deep, sweet kiss. There was this amazing warm feeling inside of me, like this couldn't get any better. This life is perfect.

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