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| Devin's POV |

"I told you she wouldn't make it to midnight." Shiloh teased me as closed the door to Bella's room.

We let her stay up tonight because it was New Years Eve, but due to her usual 7 o'clock bedtime, she only made it to 10:30. I just got done putting her to bed. It's a good thing she's a pretty independent kid, because I've had to take care of Shiloh more than I have Bella.

"I'm not sure you'll make it until midnight." I teased as I caught him yawning.

"Mm... I will if I have kisses to keep me awake." He smirked.

I snickered and grabbed onto him by his hips as he tried to walk away. Shiloh giggled as quietly as possible, knowing we were still close to Bella's room. I spun him around to face me, and gave him a few kisses on the neck before lifting him off the ground. He was so light!

Shiloh tried to act like he didn't like it, but he was laughing too hard. I carried him to the living room and laid him down on the couch. Then I climbed over my tiny and beautiful husband. It still feels like a dream to have him back. Shiloh happily wrapped his arms around my neck. I gave him a loving kiss and had to stop myself from stealing a million more.

"I love you, you know that?" Shiloh spoke gently.

"I love you too Baby. I can't wait to move our lives back out to Scranton." I replied.

"This is where we belong."

"It is. Moving back to California was a mistake. In fact, a lot that we have done in the past few years were mistakes, but you Baby, you were never a mistake. God gave me you."

"If anything, he gave me you, to protect me from all the pain." Shiloh said as he pecked my lips.

"I did a poor job then." I replied.

"No, you didn't. You did perfect. You protected the one thing that needed it more than me. You protected our sweet daughter. That's a true man to me. I love you so much."

I smiled. "I love you too, and I think to celebrate getting over this whole ordeal, we should renew our vows."

Shiloh pulled on the front of my shirt to get closer to my lips. "Sounds perfect."

| Chris' POV |

Mike and I got so consumed with talking that I hadn't noticed, Ricky up and disappeared. I know he couldn't have left because the car was still in the driveway. Even if he went on a walk, it's too cold.

"December," I stopped him as he passed me. "Have you seen Ricky?"

His expression softened. "I have. He's in the back bedroom. I'll show you where."

"It's okay. He's in Jani's room, isn't he?" I somberly asked.

"Yeah." December sighed.

He and I shared sympathetic smiles. I excused myself from the pain party to go find Ricky. I can't explain how I knew he was in Jani's room, I just knew. Ricky hasn't ever taken much of an opportunity to let go of Jani. Part of me has always known that Ricky still loved the bastard. God rest his soul, but he was a true bastard. A bastard that Ricky had a sick love for. I'll never understand it.

I quietly slipped into the extra bedroom, seeing my beautiful little roadkill sitting on the bed. His head was hung with his long hair in his face. Many times, I've seen Ricky in this exact position. He was almost silent when he cried. Sadly I think that's an old habit that developed from Jani hitting him when he'd cry to loud. Again, I'll never understand why he loved that man.

Ricky barely budged when I closed the door. I slowly knelt down in front of him and rested my hand on his knee. "Hey beautiful."

He put his clammy hand over mine and rubbed his thumb up and down the side of mine. The poor thing was trembling. "Hi." He weakly muttered.

I smiled as delicately as I could. "You feeling okay?"

"Yeah," He sniffled. "The memories are just... Rushing back."

Ricky took his hand away from mine. He crossed his arms, shivering out of stress. I moved over to the bed and sat down next to him. Softly, I kissed the side of his face as I wrapped my arms around him.

"I know today is a tough day for you, Sweetie. I'll be here for you, if if being there means giving you your space. Would you like me to leave you alone?"

He shook his head. "No, no..." Ricky paused as he heard everyone start counting down out in the living room. "I'm okay. I've finally let him go." Ricky grabbed my hand and held on tightly. "I love you."

"I love you too." I whispered to him sweetly.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Happy New Year!

I tilted my head downward and kissed his perfect lips. "Happy New Year, Baby."

He took a breath. "Happy New Year."

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