8 | Awards

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| Chris' POV |

No one spoke a word about what we saw Monday morning. I knew Devin was upset, but did he really have to cheat on Shiloh? They're on a break. That doesn't mean they have to break their vows! I can't tell Devin though that Shiloh is coming back once everything blows over. Devin doesn't know that, and for all he knows, Shiloh could never me coming back.

It wasn't of much importance right now. We were all too busy focusing on the fact that we had an award show to attend. We flew out to LA last night. There's something about staying in a hotel that's so romantic. It was for that reason, Ricky and I are staying a few extra days. Everyone else plans to leave tomorrow morning.

I've never been much on the over glamorous lifestyle of a rockstar. However, I can admit, I do get a kick out of walking down the red carpet with Ricky on my arm and paparazzi flashing their cameras. So what? I love to show him off. He's my most valuable possession, and I'd never be able to live without him.

"You look so beautiful tonight." I whispered in his ear as we walked to our seats.

Ricky smiled softly. "Thanks, handsome."

He did look absolutely stunning. Maybe tonight we'll finally break out dry spell. We'll see how everything goes.

I felt Ricky squeeze my arm. Looking up, I saw Escape The Fate taking seats right in front of us. Falling In a Reverse wasn't far behind. Ronnie of course greeted Craig happily. I know TJ saw us, but he didn't say anything. Once the were sitting down, Jacky turning around in his chair to face us.

"Long time, no see!" He smiled.

"It's been forever. We haven't really toured much this year, but whenever we do hit Vegas, we gotta catch up some!" Ricky replied.

"I'll do the same, next time we're in PA. We've been touring overseas for a bit." He said. "You're working on your new album, right?"

"Going into the studio next week to start." I told him.

"I can't wait to hear it." Jacky flashed his lovable smile. "You two always look so perfect together."

I put my arm over Ricky's shoulder and pulled him in closer. "He's the perfect one."

He blushed. "Farthest thing from it, but thank you, Jacky."

"Yeah, of course. Um, where's Shiloh?" Jacky asked as he looked around at our band.

"Don't know, don't care." Devin scoffed.

Ricky sighed and muttered, "They aren't together."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's not your fault." Devin said. "You didn't know. No one does and I'd like to keep it that way for now."

"Getting on top of a new guy every night doesn't help." I muttered.

"Chris." Ricky scolded me.

Well it's true! Jax is still around, helping out with Bella even, but Devin has been fucking a new guy every night! I don't know how to stop him without giving Shiloh away in this situation. Ugh, and as I'm thinking all of this, I see Devin checking out some guy.

I reached over Ricky, to where Devin was sitting on the other side of him, and hit the back of his head. He looked back at me angrily.

"Keep it in your pants for one night." I sneered.

He didn't say anything, because he seriously wasn't happy with me. We're supposed to be profession tonight!


It had been a long night. Keeping Devin in check, making sure TJ and Purdy kept their distance, and keeping my angel happy. It wasn't that he was upset, he just wasn't staying happy. I know traveling makes him pretty tired, so I'm sure that's all.

Our final appearance of the night, we had to walk down the press area. Two interviewers grabbed Ricky and I. They asked the usual questions about the awards we won, our next album, and so on. Then a not so usual question... Just because, interviewers are usually too scared to get personal.

"So you two are together?" He asked.

We both were a little taken back. No one ever asks!

"Yes." Ricky replied, with a slight smile on his lips.

"Like, together together?" The female interviewer asked.

I laughed. "Yes, he is in my bed every night. We've been together... Five years?" I looked at him for confirmation.

Ricky glanced down at his hands and started to count. "Yeah, sorry. I didn't fuckin' know either!"

"Time flies when you're in love." She said.

"It really does, because you want to spend so much time with the one you love, but no amount of time feels like enough then. And you always promise yourself, in five years we'll be married, then five years come and you're like, well fuck that snuck up on me." I joked.

Everyone laughed, but I know my comment about marriage effected Ricky a little. For good or bad, I wouldn't know.

"We have really awesome fans though, that support us no matter what. I think the fans have even saved our relationship at points before." Ricky stated.

"How so?"

"Well, like when we get in a fight or something. Then you get on your phone to forget about everything, and people are posting old pictures of us together. It'll kind of shake you a little, remind you of all the shit you don't want to let go."

"We'd still be together no matter what." I added. "I love him, and I'm never letting go of him."

"Awh, well I think that's the perfect place to end this interview. Thanks for your time." The girl said.

"Thank you!" I smiled.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Motionless In White." The man spoke as we walked away.

Finally, our night can be over! We started heading towards the limo that brought us here, where the guys had been waiting.

"Chris!" I heard someone yell my name, to which I groaned. Turning around, I saw Andy. "Hey, man, we're all going out to eat. Do you guys want to join us?"

"Who's we?" Ricky asked, before I even could.

"My band and Ronnie's."

I glanced down at Ricky. "Do you want to?"

He sighed. I knew the look on his face, mean 'are we really going to put up with Ashley?'

"It would be nice to catch up with Jacky." He muttered.

"Yeah, okay. Text me the location of the restaurant." I told Andy before getting in the car.

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