51 | Tattoo

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| Ricky's POV |

It's weird how up and down everything has been. I guess if there wasn't down points, you couldn't have high points. I'm just glad we're riding on a high, and I hope for once we don't come down. I'm enjoying the lack of drama. Tonight we were all going to Balz and Ryan-Ashley's shop for a Halloween party. 

Well, all of us except a certain goth couple that has to take a five year old trick-or-treating. Devin and Shiloh wouldn't trade their time with her or each other for anything else in the world. They're coming to the party much later, after Bella's put to bed. 

I sat on the couch while I watched others dance and party. I don't drink and I don't dance. So, I'm sitting on this couch for the entire night, drinking punch and being an antisocial potato. Ryan was doing the same. We've always been antisocial buds. When Chris came over, Ryan gave him his spot. He went off to do whatever and leave us to do couple stuff. 

"Hey Babe." Chris greeted me, throwing his arm over my shoulder. "Dance with me?" 

"You know I don't dance." I snickered. 

"Ughhh, you're no fun." He teased me. "Fine, then come here."

"Where?" I questioned while being pulled to my feet. 

Chris didn't respond as he lead me through the crowd of people. He pulled me into a dark room. At this point, I don't question him. We're fan enough into our relationship that I trust him. Though, sometimes I do worry. I heard a door close behind me, followed by a light clicking on. 

"Really?" I asked him as I looked around at the small storage closet we were in. 

He smiled. "What? You never snuck away to the janitors closet when you were in high school?" 

"Babe, I was a loser in high school." I replied. "I never had friends to do that kind of stuff with."

"More something you do with boyfriends." He purred, running his hand down my arm. 

"That too." I giggled. 

Chris got so happy when I laughed, and I had no idea why. I hated my laugh! He loved it though, and I enjoyed making him happy. He leaned down and kissed me. That was another thing I enjoyed. His lips against mine and his arms around me, it made me feel safe. Chris continued to kiss down my neck as he always does. 

He continued further than normal. I wasn't used to this but I wasn't complaining. It felt really good. He kissed every inch of my shoulder, over my bicep, and kept going down my arm. I moaned and soaked up the attention. Once he reached my wrist, he turned my arm over and started to kiss the underneath. Then something stopped him. 

I opened my eyes and looked down at him. Chris ran his hand over my skin, staring at something. "I've never seen that tattoo before."

"Which one?" I asked him, kind of scared by his unhappy tone. 

"That one." He turned my arm up a little more aggressively, running his thumb over the tattoo I had a feeling he was referring to.

I had Jani's name tattooed on the underside of my arm. It was small, almost unnoticeable. That's why all these years he never payed much attention to it. I never had it removed because I considering it a memorial. 

"I've had that for years." I replied. 

"I've just never noticed it." He muttered. He obviously wasn't all too happy about it. 

"Chris." I sighed. I was annoyed with the way he was acting, but I didn't know what to say. 

He stood up straight and pushed me out of the way of the door. Chris walked out, leaving me standing there stunned. Did he seriously just get pissed over a small tattoo he hasn't even noticed for the over ten years we've known each other? I swear it's like he's looking for reasons to be mad at me! First the whole thing about our engagement and now this? Seriously Chris? What's he got up his ass? 

Maybe he's regretting purposing. He might have felt like he needed to do it because the fans expected it. Would he really be regretting it? Or does he just have cold feet? I'd hope it's just nerves. Getting married is a big step... I'm happy for it, but I guess I understand why he's freaking out. 

I walked out of the storage closet and out the back door. Fresh air and a smoke should help. Even just a little break from the noise would be nice. When I got back behind the shop, I wasn't all too shocked to see a couple making out against the wall. Then I realized who it was... Well I guess Devin and Shiloh had showed to the party. When the back door closed, they heard it and realized I was out here. 

"Oh hey Rick." Devin smiled. 

Shiloh blushed as he looked away, wiping Devin's black lipstick from his mouth. They were so cute together. Do people ever look at Chris and I and think we're cute? I'd hope so. We probably don't look as sweet as them. 

"Hi." I snickered. 

"Where's Chris?" Shiloh asked. 

I sighed. "I don't know. He's not happy with me." 

Devin lost his smile. "What now?" 

"We were making out and he saw my tattoo of Jani's name. He got upset." I explained. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sweetie. He might just be upset about something else and taking it out on you." He responded. 

I shrugged. "Probably. I hope." 

"We were going to go out to the pancake house with Vinny and Ryan after the party. You want to join us? Get your mind off things?" Shiloh offered. 

I grinned. "Yeah. That sounds good."


A/N: Hey guys! So I've been working on a lot of new stories. One of which, will be a superhero AU. Kind of like Avengers, XMen, ect. Can you guys give me suggestions for what powers and superhero names everyone should have? It'll be a MIW and NYD story :)

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