7 | Wait

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| Ricky's POV |

I'd like to think spending a day with Devin helped him feel somewhat better. He finally made a post on Instagram the other day, for the first time in forever! The fact that he's willing to show himself to the fans means he's feeling more confident. I'm so glad.

Nothing much is changing with Chris and I. Still boring, sexless relationship. I've been trying to distract myself by writing and such. Today we're going down to the pier, but decided to stop for coffee at Ryan's first. He hit us hard with the news that he broke up with Shiloh's sister. I could understand why though.

We were in the midst of talking mundane things, when Bella came out from the bedroom area.

Ryan picked her up and set her on the counter. "Mornin', Cupcake!" He smiled. "What would you like for breakfast?"

"Fruit Loops!" She cheered.

"As always." He chuckled. "Is your daddy up yet?"

"I dunno. His door was locked."


Why would he have his door locked?! Devin hasn't done that since he had Bella, incase she ever needed him during the night. Before her, the only time he'd do it is if he was having sex or contemplating suicide. I was thinking we were safe from both options but apparently I was wrong! Obviously I'd prefer one over the other.

Ryan and Chris seemed concerned as well. It was odd behavior for Devin, very odd. Ryan opened up one of the kitchen drawer, slyly grabbing something.

He placed a cold piece of metal into my hand, giving me a dark look with his eyes. "Go check on him. We'll stay here."

I glanced down to realize he gave me a key. "Okay." I muttered.

Obviously he was very worried. He's been living around Devin the most, so he'd have a good grip on the situation. Ryan and Chris kept talking while Bella ate her breakfast. I slipped out of the room, heading down the hall where the bedrooms were. The other two rooms were open, so I assumed the closed one was where I was heading.

Sure enough, the door was locked. Should I even try knocking? What's the worst that I could walk in on that I haven't already with him? I opened the door, sighing out of relief when I realized he was alive. I know that sounds bad, but it's very true. Devin has been suicidal before, and almost not made it. That was before Shiloh ever came into his life though.

Unfortunately, he wasn't alone. There was another man in bed with him... a young one too. I'll admit, he looked a little like Shiloh with his long black hair. There was an absence of innocence though, from what I could see. Should I wake them? Ugh, I don't want to, but I don't know...

I jumped when I felt a hand on my back. Chris' usual comfort filled my senses though, and I relaxed. "Oh, boy." He muttered in my ear when he saw the scene in front of me.

"Should we wake them?" I whispered back.

"Um, yeah." He replied, like I was crazy for even asking.

"I feel bad about it, though." I mumbled, to which Chris sighed.

"Excuse me, Doll." Chris moved around me, touching my shoulders sweetly.

He was always so delicate with me. Other people didn't get that courtesy from Chris. Luckily I wasn't just other people. Devin, however, fell in that category. Chris shook him awake, causing him to groan and rub his eyes. The other guy woke up, sitting up and giving Chris a bit of a dirty look.

"What the Hell, Chris?" Devin grumbled.

"It's almost noon. You should be getting up, and taking care of Bella." Chris replied.

Devin ran his hands over his face. "Fuck. I'm sorry, I just forgot."

"You forgot about your own daughter?" I scoffed.

"No!" He quickly said. "No, well, I don't know. I just... needed a break. I knew Ryan would take care of her."

"You have a daughter?" The guy asked.

Devin glanced back at him. "Is that a problem?"

"No, just asking."

"I'm sorry," Chris interrupted. "But who is he?"

"Jax. He's a designer. We had dinner yesterday to talk about collabing on some WornDoll stuff. And now we're here. Where's Bella?"

"Eating breakfast with Ryan. We'll give you two, uh... a few minutes." I stated, leaning out of the room.

Chris walked towards the door, following me out. I'm not really sure where to even go with that whole situation...

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