57 | Revenge

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| Ricky's POV |

Of course I was still mad at Chris, but we were vacationing in paradise for fuck's sake. I can at least fake a smile for a while. I do still love him too, despite what's happened between us in the recent week or so. He was enjoying the fact I was being submissive and just acting like nothing happened. Maybe it is best to move on from all this. I don't know...

On a lighter note, we were staying in a beautiful suite. Devin and Shiloh are staying in a similar one across the hall, but they decided to come visit us for the evening. Shiloh and I were sat on the couch talking while Devin and Chris went to grab us drinks from the small kitchen. They both came over and sat down, smiling like idiots.

As Devin handed a cup of tea to his husband, Shiloh questioned the devilish looks at play. "What are you two so smiley about?"

"We were just talking about some things." He mused.

"Uh-huh, and what kind of things?" Shiloh asked curiously.

"Sex, Babe. What else?" Devin teased.

"We were just talking about how we've been with both of you, not to dig up the past or anything. We were just comparing notes." Chris added.

"And what did you find out, then, hm?" I asked.

They exchanged the most devilish looks before Devin replied, "We both brought up how hot you two would be together."

"What? You mean you both want a threesome with us?" I said.

"That would be nice too." Chris replied. "But, we meant you two together and we just get to watch."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, good luck with that one."

"C'mon, it would be fun." Shiloh smiled, much to my surprise.

Although I shouldn't be shocked... He was quite the whore in his day. Shiloh was the swinger type. You would never guess it because he's so quiet, but the quiet ones are the dangerous ones.

Actually, a thought came to mind. This is a great way for me to get some of my tension out on Chris without pissing him off. If this was any other man, he'd be pissed about it. It's sneaky revenge. I get to fuck around without him getting angry.

"On second thought, sure. Why not?" I shrugged.

"I told you they'd do it." Devin said to Chris.

"They have to go through with it first." He muttered in response.

I knew from what Devin had told me that Shiloh could be a power bottom when he wanted to be. He was a bit of a wolf in sheep's clothing. You look at how small and sweet he is and you'd think he's probably only had one or two sexual partners in his life. The truth is he's a complete whore and addicted to sex.

Just as I think this, the song "Whore" by In This Moment came across the radio. Shiloh giggled under his breath as he took my drink from my hand, setting it down on the table. I was still a little hesitant to touch another man in a sexual way, but I wasn't going to be able to stop him now.

He climbed in my lap, resting his arms on my shoulders. Shiloh flipped some of his hair out of his face before leaning into my neck and kissing along my skin. At first I just let it happen because it was weird to adjust to. Normally I'm the one in someone's lap, not the other way around. This was kind of nice.

I finally got up the nerve to put my hands on him. I started at his hips, running my fingers up the back of his shirt. He was so damn small. I could feel every bone of him spine protruding out. How does Devin not break him? I'm starting to understand why he's so addicted to sex with Shiloh though. He moved his lips onto mine and I'll admit... He tasted damn good.

I'm not really sure how far they wanted us to go with this, but I'll go as far as Shiloh is willing to. Fighting with Chris means I haven't had any sexual contact in a while. I'm not a sex addict, but I do like it at nice every two or three weeks. This felt so wrong and so right at the same time.

I kept one hand on his hip and moved the other up to his cheek, further tangling it up in his hair. Now I actually had the confidence to do this and I made the next move by biting his lower lip a bit. Shiloh smirked against my lips, then let me into his mouth with my tongue. Fuck, he tasted like cherries and it was hot as Hell.

He slowly ran his hands along my shoulders, applying pressure in all the right places. Then he began to unbutton my shirt. I feel guilty for getting turned on by this, but Chris was probably enjoying it just as much as I was. I pulled down on the neck of Shiloh's shirt, wanting him to get rid of it.

I had gotten so caught up in the moment that I didn't notice Devin get up. He walked towards us and picked Shiloh up off my lap. He set him down only to readjust him so he could pick him up more properly.

"Sorry Ricky, but I want him a little more than you do right now." Devin said, smiling at the way Shiloh started giggling uncontrollably from being picked up. "We'll see you guys in the morning."

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