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| Ricky's POV |

I've come to the realization that life will never be easy. As much as you think that someday it's going to pan out and you'll be set, it won't. It takes fighters to make fighters though. Everyone has given up on these kids and I refuse to be just another one. Sure, we've never been exactly in their shoes, but we've come pretty close. Chris was a bit... Naughty, when he was Sylvia's age. And we both had a rough time coming out as gay. We know some of the struggles Corbie is going through.

No one can understand him like Devin though. That's why I called him over. He as a little too happy about it. I guess it has been awhile since he's gotten to do any makeovers on anyone. He's a little addicted to makeup. And by a little, I mean a lot. I seriously don't know how he manages to fit it all in his bathroom.

Devin pulled up to the house about the time that the school bus came through the neighborhood. Corbie and Sylvia were dropped off at their stop, which luckily was just around the corner. I worry about them getting home safely. That's why Sylvia sneaking out like this scares the shit out of me. I don't know the places she's going, how she's getting there, who could possibly snatch her up off the street. Who knows who she's hanging out with too if they're encouraging this. Wow I really sound like a mother.

I greeted Devin with a hug as he came up to the door. "Thank you for coming." I said.

"Don't mention it." He replied, "Oh hi Ryan."

Ryan glanced over the back of the couch. "S'up?"

"Some things never change." He muttered and we both laughed.

I kept the door open because the kids were on their way up. Neither said a thing as I welcomed them inside the house. Sylvia was still mad about the absence of her phone and Corbie was shy around new people. He had yet to meet Ryan. Speaking of, Ryan got up and started to grab his jacket.

"Where are you off to?" I asked.

"Game's over," He spoke as he gestured back to the TV, "So I'm going to go check on Vinny. He's been a little paranoid about messing things up with your sister and you murdering him in his sleep."

"If it makes him feel any better, I promise I'll make it a quick death."

Chris got off the couch too and came to say goodbye to him. He bolted out the door once we had and I finally got to close the door.

"Halt." Chris stated firmly without even looking down the hall. Sylvia and Corbie both stopped and turned around. Neither were happy, but only one wasn't happy with us. "There's now an alarm system on the entire house. Windows and doors will be locked at 8PM from now on. If you set off the alarm, I have sixty seconds to disarm it before the police are notified. If the police are falsely notified, I have to pay a fine, and that money will come out of your allowance. Are we clear?"

"Yes, sergeant." Sylvia grumbled.

He sighed, "Go do your homework. Corbie, you stay here. Ricky and Devin wanted to talk to you. I'm going to take a shower."

I stopped him before he completely took off. Placing my hand on his chest, I reached up and stole a kiss. "I'll join you in a few minutes." I whispered.

Chris smiled, "After the day I've had, nothing in the entire world sounds better than that. Good luck."

"Thanks." I half-grinned. He parted from me and went back to our bedroom. Then I faced Corbie and took a deep breath. I looked up at Devin when I didn't know what to say.

"Oh, for fuck's sake, am I going to have to do everything myself?" He asked.

"That's kind of why I called you." I replied.

Devin just stared at me blankly for a moment. "You're lucky I love you." He changed his focus to Corbie. "C'mon, Sweetie. Let's go downstairs and talk."

| Devin's POV |

"I see you like HIM." I said as I walked into Corbie's room, seeing the posters on the wall. "Bet Ricky loves that."

He softly smiled, "Yeah."

"Ville's pretty hot too, huh?" I asked.

"Ye... oh. Is that what this is about? My sexuality?"

"No." I scoffed at the thought, "No, because you're straight, aren't you? You like men, but you're straight... Because you don't identify as a man, hm?"

"H-How'd you know that?" He stuttered out.

"Look at me." I gestured towards the sweater and skirt I was wearing, "Of all people that would have a good trans-radar, it'd be me. Ricky also told me that he had a feeling about it. You're really shy though and I'm guessing you don't have much help with transitioning?"

Corbie slowly sat down on his bed. "Not really..."

"Well, just consider me your Fairy God Mother." I smiled.

He looked up at me through his shaggy hair, "Really?"

"Really." I reassured him. Or, I guess I should start saying her. When I'm done here, no one will ever question Corbie's true self again. To be able to give someone the gift of self worth is the best thing I could ever do.

| Chris' POV |

There is something about a hot shower that can wash away all the stress. Maybe it wasn't the water though. It was probably having my incredibly sexy husband in that shower with me. We both were far too tired for sex or anything like that. We were just enjoying the time together. It's rare we get a moment to ourselves anymore.

Ricky wrapped his arms around my neck. He rested his head on my chest and let the water run down his face. He was beyond tired. I could tell. He's had too much on his plate lately.

"Chris?" He spoke so softly.

I pulled him a little closer to me. "Hm?"

"I haven't been feeling like myself lately. I... I've been a lot more tired recently. I think I should go to the doctor's."

"I'll get you an appointment scheduled in the morning." I responded.

Did I just hear him right? Did my Ricky actually just ask to go the doctor? Something must be really fucking bad for him to actually ask. He's been on his fucking death bed before and not wanted to go to the doctor's.

Being HIV positive affects everyone differently. I've had little problems with it, but it's fucking killed Ricky. He's never been the same since he contracted it. It's my fault that he ever did too. I've tried to place blame everywhere else, but it's my fault at the end of the day. I'll never forgive myself for it. It's my fault he needs a handful of meds a day to live. I never wanted to do that to him. The best I can do is do all in my power to take care of him. The littlest things like this just scare the fuck out of me...

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Hey guys! Can you please do me a big favor and go check out ghosts_kitten story "You Found Me"? It's Ghorror ;) She's pretty much my little sister and a great writer so please go support her!

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