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| Devin's POV |

My sleep schedule is now none existent, but I don't give a shit. I'm so happy to have another beautiful baby girl. The more she grows by the day, the more I see Shiloh in her. Bella looks just like me. She's wide and crazy like me too. Lucy, though, at only a few weeks old is getting Shiloh's personality. I'm more than thankful for that.

I had to go perform at a festival. It killed me to leave my family, even if it was only three days. When Shiloh came to pick me up at the airport on that third day, he had Lucy and Bella with him. It made it so much damn better. I love performing and playing music, but nothing compares to my love for them. That was about a week ago. Now I'm back home, doing night duty so Shi can get some sleep.

Lucy reached towards my face as I held her. She tried to pull on my septum ring. I simply laughed, moving her tiny arm away, "You're going to grow up to secretly naughty like your mother. Don't tell him I called him your mother. He'd kill me." I said, to which she giggled.

It truly wasn't that late but for a six year old and a new parent, it was. Shiloh and Bella were both passed out in their rooms. After pacing the room for a few minutes with Lucy, I sat down in the rocking chair.

"You know, you really do come from a family of trouble makers. I'm sorry to break it to ya' kid, but your old man and your uncles aren't exactly role models. People are going to tell you that while you're growing up. That's why you just gotta raise even more Hell than us, to prove to them that we aren't that bad, okay?" I found so much piece in talking to her. Lexus slipped in through the crack in the door and jumped up on the edge of the crib, "Someday, when you find the right person, do yourself and favor and don't bring them back home unless you want to scare them off. Once you and Bella are out of the house, we're moving to Disneyland and adopting ten cats."

Lucy gooed at the idea. Hm, maybe she approves. Cats are better than humans anyways. I heard my phone start to buzz. I had it on vibrate as to not wake anyone if it did ring. It was now about ten o'clock. I stood up, Lucy still on my arms, and picked it up off the dresser. Ricky; Why is he calling me this late?

"Hey." I answered, sitting back down in the rocking chair.

"Hey, is now a bad time?" He asked. His voice was soft, sounding hurt it seemed.

"No, I can talk. Shi and Bella are asleep. I'm just up with the trouble maker." I joked, "Something's wrong?"

He muttered, "How could you tell?"

"I know you. What's going on?" I asked.

Ricky stayed silent on the other end of the phone for a minute. In the background of the call, I could hear a woman talking to him. I knew that voice too... There was a bell chime. He's at the diner. That was the waitress that knows us. He only ever goes there when he's upset with Chris. Any other time, Chris is the one he goes to when shit hits the fan.

"I take it you haven't been on Twitter at all today?"

"No," I said, "Not really. I go on to post pictures of my kids and husband. That's about it. I don't look at people's posts."

He sighed heavily, "It's everywhere." Ricky's voice peaked for a moment, as if he was fighting tears. He sniffled, "Some girl is trying to claim that she's pregnant with Chris' baby. AP did a story on her, it's everywhere. I... I don't know what to do. I don't know who to believe."

"What did Chris have to say about it?" I replied.

"I have no clue. I first saw the posts when I was out running some wedding errands today. I... I haven 't gone home yet. I'm sitting at the diner because I don't want to go home. I don't want to face this because I know it'll start a fight."

"Well, what do you believe?"

He paused for a moment, "I believe Chris is faithful to me. I don't believe this girl. Her story seemed washy, but... The things people are tweeting us and shit. I just... I can't deal with this right now. I'm supposed to be focusing on planning my wedding to the man I love."

"Did you ever think that's why she did it?" I said, "Everyone knows you guys are engaged. She purposely is trying to stop this. Who is the chick anyways?"

"Some girl that's done Chris' makeup for like two shoots or something." He muttered.

"Wait, it wouldn't happen to be that girl that Ryan brought to Kuza and December's wedding?"

"Um... I'm trying to remember... Y-yeah, yeah I think so. Was her name Angie?"

"Yep." I groaned. "She's Ashley's best friend. Ash is going to castrate Chris, even if it's not true. I mean when her ex left her, Ashley blasted him on Twitter. People were telling the guy to go kill himself just because Ash said he was an asshole."

"That's kind of a problem. People worship Ashley. They'll believe her word in a New York second. I've got to call her before she does anything stupid."

"That's a good idea. Don't be afraid to call me at any time if you need to. Ricky, I believe Chris is faithful to you. He wouldn't do this. Stand by him. He's going to need you more now than ever." I told him.

"I know. Thank you, Devin. You and Lucy have a good night."

I smiled, "You too."

Then he hung up. This isn't the first time a crazy bitch has tried to tear us down. Just think about my legal battle with Kylie. She slandered my name pretty badly, but we moved past it. People forgot about that quickly, just like they will with this. The tabloids are for sale anymore. The bitch probably paid AP to run the story. We all know Chris would never do that to Ricky.

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