9 | Faces

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This is random but am I the only one that thinks Luke Slaughter looks like a more angry version of Chad Kowal? Or is that just me? Anyways, onward.

| Chris' POV |

Just when we all thought we were going to dread a dinner with Falling In Reverse and Black Veil Brides, Kuza showed up out of the blue and decided to join us. We haven't seen him in a long time, from touring and such.

The poor waiters about died when they saw how many of us there were. Oh well. BVB and FIR sat at one table, and we sat at another with Mike.

"So tell us how you've been!" Ryan chirped. "Got a girl yet?"

He chuckled. "I've got someone, not a girl."

"Oh my God! You actually came out of the closet!" I cheered, raising my arms up.

"Shush!" Mike sneered. "Not completely, okay?"

Ricky gently put his hand on my arm as I brought it back to the table. "I think what he means is, he's happy you came out of the closet with yourself. You used to deny you were bi, that you only made out with guys when you were drunk." Ricky said.

"Well that's how it started. I was wasted and making out with a really hot guy. For the first time, it went way further abs I slept with him. When I woke up, sober and kind of hungover, I didn't freak out or anything. I was really comfortable having a man in my arms."

"Awww!" Ricky cooed. "That's so sweet! So are you still with this guy."

"No, we didn't work out. My boyfriend is actually meeting us here. He wanted to go back to the hotel to lay down for a bit, but he just text me that he's coming over to the restaurant." Mike replied. "How have you guys been?"

"Sadly single, in our case." Ryan joked and rested his head on Devin's shoulder.

Devin looked down at Ryan like he was a dumbass. He shrugged Hun off his shoulder. "Unfortunately, Shiloh and I are separated. Bella is really well though." He added.

He smiled sympathetically. "I'm glad she is. How old is she now?"

"She'll be five in a few days."

"Wow. She's growing up fast." He scoffed. Then Mike looked over at Balz. "What about you, dude? You're being a little too quiet for you."

"Eh." Josh shrugged. "Just tough times."

Yeah, tough times you won't tell us about. We know there's issues for Balz and Ryan-Ashley. They just won't talk about it.

I felt Ricky squeeze my arm. Following his eyes, my heart must've skipped a beat. December. What is he doing here?! We haven't seen him since Jani's funeral. There was a reason for it. Ricky was ready to leave his past behind, a past that included December.

Kuza stood up with a large smile on his face. He hugged December and pecked his lips. They're together?! What the fuck?! They hate each other! Or at least, they used to.

"I'm sure I don't have to do introductions." Kuza said awkwardly.

I narrowed my eyes at December as I replied to Mike, "No, not at all."

Ricky squeezed my arm again. "Chris, don't start." He muttered.

"I'm not sitting across the table from this asshole!" I barked.

"Neither am I." Devin groaned. "I don't like to eat my dinner with rapists."

That comment obviously hurt December. He bawled up his fist against his chest as his eyes welled. Is he seriously going to cry? I'm sure he wasn't shedding tears when he fucked Shiloh against his will!

"I-I-I'm sorry, o-okay? I'm sorry. I never got a chance to apologize. Jani, Lord rest his soul, forced me into most of it. The drugs I was on took away my will to argue. It's the biggest regret of my life. I'm straight now. I haven't touched a pill or alcohol in a year." December explained.

His tough exterior had diminished. He was just a shell of the man I once knew. December was now a scared and scarred man. The pain in his eyes... Brought me back to where Ricky was just a few years ago.

"We met at an AA meeting a few months ago. At first, I was mad at him for everything from the past. Then, as our meetings went on, I saw a new light on him." Kuza sighed. "If it's going to be a problem, we can leave."

Ricky spoke up before Devin or I could. "It's okay. Closets are for skeletons. As far as I'm concerned, my closet door is shut. The past is the past, right, guys?"

"Right." I grumbled. Last thing I needed was a fight tonight.

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