88 | Sister

892 73 10

| Chris' POV |

It was already a month into tour. For me, it probably doesn't go as slow because I have Ricky. The rest of the band was being tortured without their significant others. Today we're playing Seattle, which should be interesting. Ricky's sister, Barbara, is coming to the show. It's the first time she's seeing Vinny since the wedding, even though they do Skype.

I know it drives Ricky crazy because he only thinks about what a dumbass Vinny is. He's also a sweetheart and a lovable idiot. He'd never do anything to hurt Barbara. I've overheard them on the phone before. They really do care about each other. I'm sure this is what it was like for Shiloh when his sister started dating  Ryan. That ended up fine, so why won't Ricky take a lesson from that? Give them a chance?

A few of us were in the front longue, playing Xbox. I was murdering Ryan's ass in Mortal Combat while Vinny and Josh watched. Devin and Ricky were sitting across from us at the table. Ricky was sketching something on his notepad and Devin was on his computer. Probably reblogging porn on Tumblr.

"Barbara just got here." Vinny said as he looked at his phone screen. He stood up and started to walk out to go greet her outside the venue.

Ricky frowned as the door shut. "She text him and not me?"

"It's just puppy love, babe." I replied as I got the fatal blow in on Ryan.

He shoved me as the match ended, "Cheater."

I laughed, "Sore loser."

"Shut up and rematch me." He dared me.

"I would but," I sighed dramatically, "I have a raccoon to cheer up." I stood up from the couch and moved over to where Ricky sat. He let me pull him into my lap.

"I'm fine." He muttered.

"Somehow I don't believe that." I replied and kissed his forehead. "There's a ice cream parlor around the corner. Why don't we go? Get your mind off of things?"

"I don't know." He mumbled.

I picked him up without much fight back from him. Ricky was upset and I wasn't going to stand for that. I swung him up over my shoulder and he squeaked, following it up with uncontrollable giggling. Josh opened the door for me and I cautiously stepped outside. The smell of four buses' exhaust and a city street filled my nose.

We were currently co-headlining a tour with Miss May I. Honestly, I didn't even may enough attention at the meeting to know who the openers are. I couldn't even tell you most the names of the members of MMI. All I know is Levi has bombass hair and everyone in their band constantly teases us about shipping us. Levi and Jerod were outside getting some fresh air. They laughed and couldn't help themselves from taking a picture of me carrying Ricky.

"Can you put me down?" Ricky asked once he got embarrassed.

"I don't know, can I?" I replied.

He huffed and dropped his head, "Will you please put me down?"

"Yes," I chuckled and complied, "But I do like carrying you."

"I don't like being manhandled." He said.

"You weren't complaining about being manhandled last night." I smirked. Levi and Jerod burst out laughing but Ricky didn't find it that funny. He attempted to walk back to the bus and I caught him by his waist. "Hey, I'm kidding."

"We weren't laughing at you," Levi added, "We were laughing with you. It's cute."

"See?" I lightheartedly smiled at Ricky. "I'm sorry, Angel."

He sighed, "It's okay. I'm mad at my sister, not you. I didn't mean to take it out on you."

"Where are you guys off to?" Jerod asked me.

"To get ice cream. Wanna come with?" Ricky asked.

Levi shrugged, "Why not?"

I'm sure Ricky did it as damage control, for himself. He figured if people are around it'll keep him from lashing out at me. I know he's upset with the whole Vinny/Barbara situation, but what else am I supposed to do about it? I'm just going to try my best to make him happy. Some days that is harder than others. Today, is one of those days.


Devin tried his best to chip in with the whole making Ricky crack a smile thing. After he did his Queen of Hearts makeup, he started to do Ricky's makeup for him. If he looked good, maybe it would help him feel better? One can only hope. While Devin sat in front of Ricky doing his makeup, I snapped a picture. It was pretty cute and I'm sure either one of them would love to post it.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked him quietly.

"My sister has been here three hours and she hasn't even said hi to me." He murmured.

"I'm sorry, Sweetie. She will, okay? Right now, she's in the honeymoon stage with her relationship with Vinny. You know how that goes. You don't see anyone else except that one person when you're that way. You and I have been in our honeymoon phase for the entirety of our relationship. At least, I have. You're the only person ever in my eyes or on my mind."

"Okay, The Notebook shit is getting a little strong." He said.

I stifled a laugh, "Yeah? That was bad, huh? It's true though. Give her time. Maybe playing a good show will get your mind off things."

At least, I hope so.

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