20 | Shine

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| Chris' POV |

"Hey Babe!" I called for Ricky as I walked into the bedroom, looking for him.

"In here!" He replied from the bathroom.

I walked in the doorway, leaning against it. He was in the middle of dying his roots. I found it so cute, for no reason. Both him dying his hair, and his blond roots.

"What?" He asked, in response to my staring.

I giggled and attempted to hug him. "Come here."

"Nooo!" Ricky whined, pushing me back. "I smell like hair dye."

"And it's adorable."

He looked at me strangely. "Me smelling like hair dye is cute?"

"I mean, you're cute." I chuckled and kissed the tip of his nose. "I came to ask if you wanted to come to the mall with me later today. I'm going Christmas shopping with Devin, Ryan, and Mike."

Ricky raised his eyebrow at me. "Mike?"

I sighed, only out of defeat because I had to admit I apologized to Kuza. "Yeeahh, we made up."

"I see." He smirked, and crossed his arms. "Do I get to say it?"

"Don't say it."

"But, that's the fun part!"

"Fine." I groaned.

Ricky smiled with a snicker. "I told you so."

I jokingly rolled my eyes. "You feel better now?"

"Yes." He laughed and stole a kiss from me.

As we parted, I kept my hands on his hips. "So, you want to come with us?"

"I'd love to. Give me a half hour to get ready." He replied.


We met the guys at the mall. Devin left Bella at home, with Ryan's old lady neighbor babysitting her. It feels like it's been forever since we've been out with just Devin. He always has Bella by his side. I guess he had to find time to Christmas shop for her at some point. Which reminds me, I have to slip away to shop for Ricky too.

"I'm hungry!" Ryan whined, once we had only been through about two stores.

"You're always hungry." Devin chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah! My stomach is a bottomless pit. We know this already. Can we just feed the monster that is my gut?" He asked.

"Is anyone else hungry or is Ryan just being a big baby?" Mike questioned.

I looked down at Ricky. "Baby, have you eaten at all today?"

"Not really." He guiltily muttered. "Just a peach for breakfast. That's all."

"I'm fine, what about you, Mike?"

"I'm good actually. I ate right before I got here." He said.

"Okay," I responded. "I have to go pick up something for Ricky anyways, why don't you come with me?"

"Oh, what, and I have to take the children to go eat?" Devin griped.

Ryan made a hurt face. "Don't you love me?"

Ricky laughed, and shook his head. He stole a kiss from me before Devin pulled him and Ryan towards the food court. I didn't know how much time I'd have, so I practically dragged Mike towards the jewelry store.

"Whoa, fuck dude, you're going to pull my arm out of socket!" Mike scoffed as I let go of his arm.

We walked in the entrance of the store, and I started to go towards the same sales rep I had been working with for weeks now. Mike rolled back his arm and followed me.

"Sorry, sorry." I told him. "But this is important."

"Chris," The ever so preppy sales lady, Kathy, greeted me. "Back again?"

"Yeah, and this time I brought a second opinion with me. I promise I'm actually going to buy something this time." I joked.

"I still have all four rings you were looking at. I'll bring them out."

"Thank you." I smiled back at her, watching her walk towards a cabinet.

Mike rested his arms against the counter. He looked down at the assortment of gems in the glance as he spoke, "Rings? As in..."

"Yeah." I sighed. "It's a big decision. Not the marrying him part. Well, I mean, that is too but I don't need help with that. I mean the rings are a big decision. I need your help."

"This is the first time I've seen you be indecisive." He chuckled.

"I know, it's not really me. Ricky though... He brings out a side of me that, no one else can. That's why I love him. That's why I want to marry him."

"I'd hope you'd want to marry him, with the way you two are together. You're pretty much the perfect couple."

"Maybe from the outside, but we have our share of fights and rough patches. I keep on loving him though." I softly smiled.

"I know you do. I hope you understand, that that same undying, unconditional love you have for Ricky... That's what I have for December. I know you doubt us, but I do love him."

"I know you do. I am sorry for the way I reacted. It was just so shocking, but love is love."

"Love is patient and blind." He replied.

God, he was so right. Sometimes you just gotta go somewhere without knowing where you're going, but it's okay as long as you're going there together. There is no doubt in my mind that I love Ricky.

A/N: Okay, I need a lot from you guys on this chapter! First off, there's a picture of Ricky with his roots incase you guys haven't seen that haha! There's also four rings under the bottom of it. I want you guys to tell me which one you want to be Ricky's engagement ring!

The last thing is, I know many of you guys are very anxiously awaiting the release of Sanity. There's another story I've been working on that I really think you guys will love. It's still under the name "2AM" but a completely different premiss than the original one I pitched to you guys.

So here's what I'm thinking of doing: waiting to finish out this story, Smoke & Gin, AND Silence Remains, THEN giving you guys both new stories at once. The other option being, posting Sanity when Silence Remains ends, and posting 2AM when this one ends. Let me know how you want me to go about publishing it all.

Thanks again for all your awesome love and support! <3

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