34 | Quick

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| Chris' POV |

Ricky let me into Devin and Shiloh's house once Ashley and I got there. She was still helping Bella out of the car. I kissed my beautiful boyfriend as I came into the house.

"How was Disneyland?" He asked with a smirk.

I groaned. "An eye opener, that I can certainly wait a while for kids."

Ricky laughed at my misfortune. "Bella was good though, right?"

"Of course. She's always a good kid." I replied. "How was everything here?"

He rolled his eyes. "It was mostly okay. I got some work done but I had to hear those two fu-UM," Ricky stopped himself and cleared his throat. "Sleeping, they're both sleeping."

I glanced behind myself to realize Ashley just walked in with Bella. Another reason I don't think we could have kids for a while... We still aren't used to having to filter ourselves for the small little creatures.

I just smiled at Ricky's attempt to cover his cursing from her. He blushed, obviously embarrassed.

"Are you two headed home?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah, probably. We're got to doing some... sleeping, of our own." I replied as I gave Ricky a sly look.

"Too much information." She laughed. "I'll stay here and watch Bella until the other two are... available."

"Alright. Call us if she gets to be too much trouble." I teased.

Bella was a really good kid though. She loves her aunt Ashley to death! Ricky and I hugged both of them goodbye. We didn't even bother to say goodbye to the others. They were obviously... busy. I didn't hear anything at the time, but I'm sure they went to sleep together afterwards. I'm not really interested in thinking much about my friends sex life.

Ricky and I walked out to the car. He sighed as he relaxed into his seat. I started the car and began to pull out on the road.

"Did they really fuck while you were in the house?" I asked, fighting a smile.

"Yep." He grumbled. "I was in the next room, Babe."

"We've fucked on the bus though. Like with the whole band sleeping feet away from us, so you can't really complain." I reminded him.

Ricky glanced over at me. There was a little lust sparking up in his eyes. "I guess not." He sighed with a smirk. Ricky leaned over from his seat to mine, placing his hand on my leg. "You know it's been a while since we've had sex in a fun spot."

I chuckled. "By fun, you mean somewhere we're not supposed to be and possibly could get arrested for fucking in."

"Yeah, it was fun." Ricky giggled. God, he has a sexy laugh. He kissed behind my ear as he whispered, "I miss it."

I clenched my hand on the wheel. "Ricky, I'm trying to drive."

"Then pull over." He smiled against my skin.

"Babe-" I began to whine.

"Or don't pull over. I'll just keep going." Ricky spoke as he trailed his hand down my chest.

He began to undo my pants. I suppose I could have stopped him, but I really didn't want to. True this wasn't the safest thing in the world. If you had Ricky Horror giving you oral sex, would you care much about safety? Probably not.

He started to go down on me while I was trying to drive. It was getting hard to focus on much of anything, so I pulled over in a nearby parking lot. Ricky was way too good at this. I can't tell him that, because it actually makes him insecure. He believes if he's good at sexual acts, it makes him a whore. One of the terrible lies his overly religious parents pounded into his head.

I'm okay with his daddy issues. It makes him more of a devil in loving me. And fuck, he could make me cum at the drop of a hat. Everything, from his adorable laugh, to the look in his eyes when he's being evil, are all apart of the many reasons I love him.

"Mmmhf." I groaned out of relief after he had made me orgasm. It was just a quicky, but I enjoyed every minute of it.

"I take it you liked that?" He smirked.

I kissed him while I fixed my pants back up. "Of course, Baby."

"I'm glad I can still make you happy, even after all this time. We have been together a long time." Ricky stated.

I grabbed his hand, holding it tightly. "Our love is eternal. That's exactly why I want to marry you someday."

"Someday is apparently soon, because you told me you want to get engaged soon."

I sighed. "I was hoping you'd forget about that. I want you to be surprised when I do ask."

"It doesn't matter. You know the answer is yes." He replied.

"I know." I said, then kissed his nose. "But I promise I'm going to make sure you're caught off guard." I winked.

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