43 | Beauty

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| Chris' POV |

His chest rapid rose and fell. I collapsed in the space next to him on the bed. Ricky stole a sweaty kiss from me, then snuggled up to me.

"Fuck." He painted.

"I know." I snickered. "You're amazing."

"No, that's you. That was incredible." Ricky quickly pecked my lips. "I'm going to go take a shower, Babe."

"Okay." I responded.

Ricky got up from the bed, grabbing my shirt from the floor. He also got some underwear from the dresser, then headed towards our bathroom. While he was in there, I pulled some fresh clothes on. I laid back on the bed and pulled out my phone, going through my Instagram to pass the time.

It was the usual of random selfies from friends and animal pictures. I saw a weird picture though. Well, it wasn't weird, but it felt off. Shiloh posted a picture with Bella, and one of Devin's business friends, Jax. I haven't even seen Jax since Shiloh had disappeared and Devin was having an affair with him. Which, I'm pretty sure Shiloh was never informed of.

Jax babysat Bella all the time while Shiloh was gone. It wasn't much of a surprise to me that he was back. The real question is, why? And where is Devin? He obviously wasn't in the picture and by the way Shiloh talking in the caption, I don't think he was home! Weird. Very weird.

To balance out the weirdness, I got adorableness. Kuza had talked to me about asking December to marry him. He was nervous, and also didn't want it to overshadow Ricky and I's engagement. I told him we didn't care, and now is the best time to do it! December wouldn't expect it!

I guess he took my advice to heart, because there was a picture on Kuza's Instagram of the two of them out to dinner with the caption, "He said YES! This one is officially permanently MINE! Fuck yes! I love you, my little frostbite Baby <3"

Awe, those two are amazing together. In glad they got engaged. I think they'll get married way quicker than us though. I'd like to have a long engagement, even if Ricky isn't all too up for it. I also saw a picture December posted of the ring. It was beautiful! I wrote them both a congrats on Twitter.

Then my mind got easily distracted as Ricky stepped out of the bathroom. He wore my shirt and his boxers. I watched him as he blow dried his hair. He was absolutely perfect. How did I get so lucky? Even without any makeup on, he looked so beautiful. Once he was done with his nightly rituals, he leaned on the doorframe of the bathroom and looked at me.

"What are you staring at?" Ricky innocently asked.

I smiled. "You. You're so beautiful. Stay right there."

He looked at me suspiciously. "Why?"

"Just do it." I said, which made him giggle. In that moment of him smiling so beautifully, I snapped a picture with my phone. "There. Now come snuggle."

Ricky happily fell into bed with me. He looked over at my phone and frowned. "I look terrible in that picture!"

"Shut up. You look gorgeous. You always do. And watch, I bet everyone will agree." I replied.

"Nooo, don't post that." He whined.

"Too late." I said, which made him drop his head on me in defeat.

I wrote on the caption, "The love of my life. I never get sick of seeing his beautiful self wearing my shirt." And I added some heart emojis. Of course everyone had to make sex jokes, some of our friends included, but people also were fangirling over how cute Ricky looked.

"See." I said as I showed him my phone.

"I still hate the picture." He muttered.

"You look beautiful, always. Okay?" I gently kissed the tip of his nose. "Now, let's get some sleep. We both deserve it."

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