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| Chris' POV |

Honestly I was shocked Shiloh came to me after he ran out on Devin. He came to me house, so he probably came for Ricky, not me. Still, he was here now, and Ricky was gone. I pulled my phone from my pocket and quickly sent a group text to Angelo, Balz, and Ryan.

Heads up, Dev & Shi got in a huge fight. Shi took Bella & left the house. He's at mine now. Ricky isn't home, pissed at me for other shit.

I sent that, then turned my attention to my new guests. "I'm sorry it's so messy. Ricky doesn't really understand the concept of cleaning." I grumbled.

"It's fine, Chris, really." He insisted as he sat down on the couch. "Thank you for letting us in."

"Of course. I'd never turn you two away. You're welcome to stay as long as you'd like. Have you eaten dinner yet?" I asked him.

"No. I was too focused on just getting out of the house." Shiloh said. He looked down at Bella, who was playing with her dolls on the floor. "I'll tell you about it, after she goes to bed." He muttered.

"Oh, I understand. Just relax, take a breather. You're safe here." I reassured him. "I'm going to go throw some dinner on the stove."

"Thank you, Chris, for everything." Shiloh smiled.

It was such a broken smile though. Whatever happened, it fucked him up badly. I know Devin would never hurt him physically. Mentally though, Dev can be a little inconsiderate to other people's lives at times. I know he did a lot of damage while Shiloh was away.

I set some water to boil on the stove, then checked my phone. The others had all seen and addressed my text.

Angelo - What happened? Is Bella okay?

Balz - I haven't been able to get ahold of Devin all day. What's going on?


Angelo - That ^ is also a good question.

I sighed, responding, I have no idea what happened. Shiloh is going to tell me after Bella goes to bed. Bella and Shiloh are both fine. There's not a scratch on them, but Shiloh can barely keep himself together. They're going to stay the night here. Ricky is pissed at me for wanting a long engagement when he wants a short one. He ran off.

Balz - Well what did you expect when Devin fucked around on him?

Ryan - Do you think that's it? Or did something else happen? And Chris why don't you want to get married?!

I DO! I just want to take my time! It's not important okay? Shiloh and Bella are what's important.

Angelo - Do you need help taking care of them?

I'll be fine, Ange.

Angelo - No offense, Chris, but from the sounds of it Shiloh isn't doing well. Considering you're fighting with Ricky, you probably aren't good either.

I'm okay, I promise. If you don't believe me, you can stop by for dinner in a half hour.

Balz - You should, Ange. I'm sure Shiloh needs all the emotional support he can get.

Ryan - And Chris.

Guys, I'M FINE! I miss Ricky but it's not a big deal. We'll get past it.

Balz - Whatever, Mr. Cold Feet! Just tell us what's going on once you know.

| Devin's POV |

Ricky seemed a little hesitant to go home. I understand he needs a bit of a break from Chris. It would also be awkward for him to have to be around Shiloh when he's taking my side in all this. Plus, I just didn't want to be alone. So, I offered for him to stay the night.

He gladly accepted. I got ready for bed, then gave him a set of clothes to change into. My clothes were of course too big for him, so he looked adorably small in them.

"Thank you for your couch." He softly said.

"Ricky, you don't have to take the couch. That thing is not pleasant to sleep on. Trust me, I know." I mumbled.

"Where else do you want me to sleep?" He asked.

"Well, I'm not going to make a grown man sleep in a five year old's room. Unless you want to be surrounded by Ariel and Flounder." I chuckled. "Just sleep in here, with me."

"You don't have to do that." He replied. "The couch is fine."

"It's a king size bed. There's plenty of room. Please, I insist. I don't know how I'm going to sleep alone anyways." I confessed, giving him pleading eyes.

Ricky gave in. Thank God. I didn't want to sleep alone tonight. I've been on the couch for a week now because of this whole custody situation. I've just been digging my hole deeper with Shiloh. Fuck. As I laid down on the bed, I could smell his scent all over the pillows.

Ricky turned off the remaining light and laid down. I rolled over, turning my back to him. I just didn't want him to see me cry again. I've never broken for anyone like this! There's always been something about Shiloh though, that he can rip my heart from my chest so easily. I just want him back. His perfume is haunting me right now.

"Devin?" Ricky delicately spoke to me.

"Yeah?" I whispered back.

He wrapped his arm around my torso, resting his head against my back. "It's going to be okay. I promise."

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