91 | Adoption

897 76 32

| Ricky's POV |

I don't know why Chris and I put efforts into looking somewhat "normal" because the lady at the adoption agency could easily look up our names and see us at our nastiest. If she found the Immaculate Misconception video... Yeah, we might as well change our names and move to another country if we want to adopt. Somehow, though, she approved us for fostering.

Despite the way we look, we have a steady income. Our house and cars are both paid off, and we've never done anything illegal. I did get asked a few things about Jani. On paper, having a stalker ex probably doesn't look very safe for kids. She easily dismissed it when I told her he was dead. Her name is Ms. Bird, by the way. Still have no clue what her first name is but she looks like a bird anyways.

There's my own immaturity again. Why are we doing this? I don't know why Chris wants kids so badly. He already has one that's a full time job; me. Even while we're sitting here in this office, he's casually trying to not let her see the way he parents me. Chris set his hand on my leg under the table to get me to stop bouncing it. I flashed a small smile his way and he kissed my temple.

"Do you have any age range or gender in mind?" The very softly voiced Ms. Bird asked. Aside from the beak on her face, she was a very pleasant woman.

"Not really." Chris replied, then laughed nervously, "I know you don't hear this everyday, but we're looking to adopt the kids that no one else is. We don't care what gender or age they are."

"We know what it's like to not be wanted." I added gently.

She nodded, a very small smile on her nonexistent lips. Chris could tell I was getting nervous again. He grabbed my hand and gave it a tight squeeze. His hands were much warmer than mine, which made it so much more comforting. Ms. Bird looked through her considerably old computer for a moment.

"How do you feel about two kids?" She asked.

I glanced up at Chris, waiting for him to answer. He replied, "It's fine, if it's one of those cases of siblings not being able to be separated. We understand that."

"That's exactly what it is, actually. The older is a girl, seventeen, and the younger is a boy, fifteen. Sylvia is a bit of a... partier. Corbie is good kid though, but he's been struggling with his gender identity for the past year or so."

Chris looked down at me and I nodded. He told her, "That would be perfect."

She stood up from her desk, "I'll go grab the paperwork."

After she left, I muttered to him, "You can let him borrow your skirt."

"Oh," He pinched me, "Shush." Chris chuckled.

"Owe." I over exaggerated my pain and 'fainted' against his shoulder, "I've been hit! I can see the light! Tell my sister I love her! And she needs to stop sleeping with my drummer! I can't hold on anymore- bleh!"

Chris laughed and shrugged me off his shoulder. I just lazily fell down into his lap, but pushed myself up quickly when Ms. Bird walked in the room again. She set two stacks of papers in front of us and did the whole "sign here, sign here, initial here" deal. We didn't have this much paperwork when we license albums, and that is a baby I actually gave birth to. Gave me way more stress than an actual child would, I swear.

"I'll go get the kids." She spoke lightheartedly.

After she left, I asked Chris, "Do you plan on telling the fans about them?"

"Not yet. Not until we know we can handle them staying long enough to adopt them fully." He responded.

Chris straightened his posture as he heard the door open. Then he and I both stood up to be polite as the kids walked in with Ms. Bird. The girl was typical cheerleader trash. Blonde hair down to her ass, build body, and a snobby look on her face. Her brother obviously wasn't the biggest fan of her either. He was very insecure in even his stance. His blond was a lot more shaggy and dirty, and he was much thinner than her.

We have a challenge ahead of ourselves. But, isn't that the point of marriage? To get through hurdles together? Chris and I can handle this. I might strangle that girl first, but we'll get through it. Words can't describe properly the look she was giving us. It was like she smelled some nasty cheesy or something. The boy, Corbie, he reminded me of myself at that age. Just done with everything.

"Kids, these are the lovely gentlemen that are going to foster you for awhile." Ms. Bird said in her naturally high pitched voice. "Chris and Ricky Cerulli."

"Are you guys gay?" Sylvia asked. Ugh, she was just like the girls I went to high school with.

"Gay, and happily married." Chris responded.

"You'll fit right in." She teased her brother.

Yeah, we have a long road ahead of ourselves...

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