84 | Kiddies

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| Chris' POV |

"Chris?" Ricky softly asked me from where he laid against my chest.

I ran my hand along his raven hair, "Yeah?"

"I can't put off the kids conversation any longer, can I?" He muttered.

"Well, I mean, we've already reached success in our careers, bought a house together, gotten married. The only big life milestones we have left are kids and death, and we can't really do those two out of order." I said, then laughed when I caught his blank expression. I pulled him in close and kissed his temple, close to his eye. "Yes, we do need to talk about it. I understand if you want to wait until we get back home."

"No, there's too many distractions there. We should talk about it now." He replied, "I know you want kids. I do too, but not a lot."

"Awe, but how am I supposed to build a satanic army if we don't have twenty kids?" I fake-pouted.

Ricky lightly hit my shoulder, "I'm serious, Chris."

I sighed, "I know. I'm just trying to lighten the mood because I know this is a tough subject for you. Well, for both of is. When the time comes, do you want to want to adopt or get a surrogate?"

"Adopt. For a lot of reasons. There's a lot of kids out there already that need homes. What's the point of bringing a kid into the world when there's already one that needs a family? Plus, I hear about how many bad foster families there are out there. I don't want a kid going into a bad home, when they could be in our home."

"Okay..." I responded slowly, "I agree with that. When we do decide to adopt, I don't want to be bias to any gender or age. Whichever child needs a home is who we take. How many kids do you want? And when?"

"Two to three, and... In about a year, maybe less. I want to savor being a married couple for a bit first." He gently smiled.

"Mmm," I hummed against his neck, "I do need time to make sure we have done it on every piece of furniture we've owned."

"You don't think we have yet?" He chirped.

I started to think back on our many long years together, "I don't think I've ever fucked you on the washer and dryer, or the attic. We have never had sex in the attic, I don't think."

"We'll have to fix that when we get home." Ricky said as he sat up. He swung his leg over mine and began to unbutton my shirt, "For now, you're going to have to start with nailing me on every surface of this hotel room."

"I can definitely do that." I laughed and met our lips together.

| Devin's POV |

Eight years ago, I never thought I'd see the day when I wanted to get up when the sun is still up. That doesn't mean I'll be turning in my goth card anytime soon, but it is beautiful. The fresh sun filled our kitchen as I sat feeding the baby in her high chair. Shiloh was still asleep in our bedroom, and I'm hoping he can get enough good sleep in for once.

I went to the sink and washed out the baby's bowl. As I leaned over to put it in the dishwasher, I heard the pitter patter of small feet coming in the room. Bella rushed my side with a hug. I laughed and looked down at my princess. She hopped up on the counter, smiling happily.

"Morning, trouble maker." I teased her.

"Daaad." She whined, "Don't you remember what today is?"

"Uhh, Tuesday. Oh, wait, trash day. I need to put out the trash." I muttered. Then I smiled cunningly, "I'm kidding. Of course I remembered! Happy Birthday, Angel. I'll make anything you want for breakfast as long as it's actually a breakfast food and you don't wake mommy."

"Chocolate chip pancakes!" She said cheerfully, but still quietly.

I sighed and headed towards the pantry, "I guess that is technically a breakfast food."

As I started to look around for the pancake mix, I felt a pair of arms around my waist. Looking down, I saw the tattoos of my beautiful husband. He's so quiet and always manages to sneak up on me like that! I turned around and faced him, kissing the tip of his nose.

"Morning." He told me groggily.

"Morning." I responded, "We didn't wake you, did we?"

"Not at all." Shiloh gently  rested his head against my chest, "I want cuddles."

I wrapped my arms around him, "I wish we could but we have little rugrats coming over later."

"She doesn't need friends, does she? Can't we just skip her birthday all together?" He joked.

"No!" Bella yelled at us.

I laughed, wiggling out of my lovely's arms. "Unfortunately we have to be good parents. Babe, I can't find the pancake mix."

"We're out." He replied, "But I'll make you a deal. I'll make some from scratch if you go pick up the cake from the bakery later."

"Deal." I said and pecked his lips.

I reached up to the top shelf of the pantry and grabbed the bag of chocolate chips. Shiloh walked over to the cupboard in the kitchen and leaned over to get some things out. Of course I stared! He has a beautiful, tiny little ass. Damn. Then he stands up, turns around, and has that gorgeous face. He's perfect. I love him more than anything in this world.

My life is perfect, and I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world.


Incase you haven't seen me mention it 9349347 times now, I have a new story. It's Ghorror, called The Devil Wears Prada. It's going to be very gory and heavy like Sanity. So please do go check it out and spam it with comments! I appreciate it.

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