The Light In The World

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So... I want to talk about something before continuing the Evil Chris Arc. Well I don't know how to explain this but something happened to me that scarred me badly... I lost a best friend. My Dog just passed away. He was the best friend I could ask for... So now I don't know how I can move on after this.

I'm emotionally hurt right now... And it's gonna take me a while to recover from this. So I won't be releasing Daliy Chapters since I'm going to be recovering from this. So please consider to check out my stories. And I hope your doing okay. Because I'm pretty hurt in the inside. The hardest part about life is it goes by so fast. Life is short. I couldn't be the guy my Dog wanted to be. He showed me so much loves and yet I still could have done more.

And everything hurts like your just in a Cave, all alone trying not to accept the Reality. But that's okay. Your supposed to be hurt. That's how you know your out of that cave. Out of the Cave of Sadness. Yes it will take time to recover from a painful sting... But that's life. You're born, you live a little while, and you die. We can't stop it or rewind time. But we can do whatever we can to cherish the moments with our friends and family. They may be gone in your life. But they will always be with you in your heart and memories. And you can always promise to never make the same mistakes again. Because if you always show love and affections to the ones that are Alive and Dead.... Then that's, the the beautiful light we know. Because that's The Light in The World.

This message comes from the bottom of my heart. If you would like to pay your respects, then comment on this sentence.

I hope all of you learned not to repeat my mistakes. Cherish the time with your loved ones. So when they're time as come and their last chapter is written along with yours, then you'll have no regrets of the wonderful times you spent with your loved ones.  Thank you all for your support, See you all on the flipside...

Sincerely, FanboyReader10100

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