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Hey everyone!! Xlm-al16 here to introduce you all to this book, which is my first book to be published here! Please vote and like it! Enjoy!

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- Rebecca Fangs. (Rebecca Ricks).
* Hair color: Dark red & Maroon/Brown.
* Age: 18 (In Vampire age; 118).
* Eyes: Bloody red.
* Status: Princess of Vampires.

- Monica Fangs.
* Hair color: Dark/ Black.
* Age: 147.
* Eyes: Gray/ Ash.
* Status: Queen of Vampires.

- Eugene Fangs.
*Hair color: Maroon.
*Age: 159.
*Eyes: Bloody red.
*Status: King of Vampires.

-Willow Ricks.
*Hair color: Brown.
*Age: 29
*Eyes: Navy Green.
*Status: Rebecca's foster mother.

-Parker Ricks.
*Hair color: A bit Blonde.
*Age: 33
*Eyes: Caramel
*Status: Rebecca's Foster father.

Other characters will be introduced in the middle. Please enjoy!

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"Darling, isn't our daughter beautiful?" Monica asked Eugene.

"Yes, she is. She resembles you in beauty." He tells her.

"But she has your features. Having maroon-colored hair and your bloody red eyes." Monica tells him. "So beautiful." Suddenly, one of the royal guards comes running into the room.

"Your Majesty! Half the vampire kingdom has been annihilated!" He exclaims in anxiety.

"WHAT? How is that possible?" Eugene asks him in rage and surprise.

"The humans told us to give in to them as slaves or they'll destroy more towns and villages." The royal guard tells Eugene.

"Alright! Gather the rest of the -" said Eugene as another guard comes running.

"Your Majesty! The humans have come again and they have already destroyed three-quarter of the cities. Some are even heading here-" he says before an explosion happens!

"Monica! Take our daughter.. and get to safety!" Eugene yells after coughing a bit.

"No way! We are facing this together!" She tells him as their daughter begins to cry in fear of the noises.

"Monica.. We can't let our child's life be ruined. Even if it's just one of us with her.." Eugene says as he caresses his hand on Monica's face, and she sobs while rubbing her face on it.

"I love you..." Monica says, tearing up a bit.

"I love you too." Eugene says as he kisses her on the head and then on the lips. "You too, my princess.." he looks at their daughter, then kisses her and caresses her cheeks a bit. "Now, Go." Monica turns away from him with tears falling from her eyes. She runs into the bedroom and looks out the window and sees the height from which she plots to jump and ensures no human is there. Seeing there aren't any humans, she jumps and lands with a sprain ankle.

"Don't worry, my dear, mommy's strong." She says to her baby, trying to calm her. Suddenly, there was an explosion that caused Monica to lose stamina a bit, falling to her knees. She looks up and sees the chain she got Eugene near the area of the explosion. It happened around the compound of the kingdom at the front entrance. "No. no. no. no. no!!" Monica picks it and begins to cry but turns at fright from the scent of the humans. They were already on their way towards the area.

Monica holds onto her baby and flees away, leaving fog behind her to cut them off her tracks. She stops at an old shed and goes in.

"Alright, I should still have some strength to teleport us out of here." She says as she lays her baby on her laps and puts on Eugene's chain. She then places a hand on the baby and another on the floor. She then closes her eyes, and immediately, they both transport to the human side. "Good. We made it." As she stands, she winced at a sharp pain. She turned to it and saw that she had been shot on her ankle. "How.." she then she coughs and sees blood. "What's.. happening.." Without another thought, she takes off the chain and places it in the clothing used to wrap her baby. Then, she used her claws to scratch her name. "R-Rebecca.." then falls and disperse into ashes.

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Alright, people! Now we move to Chapter One of the lovely story. Stay tuned and vote!

The Last Royal Blood Vampire.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ