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So many thoughts. Does Rebecca wake up? Will they survive? What will happen now? Well, it's a good thing I made this chapter. Vote and like it.

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"Hey! Rebecca!" Hunter calls to her. From outside, Willow and Elliot hears him and rushes inside.

"Hunter.." Elliot says while staring at them. Rebecca unconscious while Hunter holds her in his arms.

"Rebecca!" Willow exclaims running to meet her but Hunter moves back five metres from her with speed.

"Who are you to her?" He asks and glares at her with his red eyes.

'I'm guessing he must be a vampire like Rebecca... He probably doesn't know that I know. Plus...this kid..he has no idea at all.' Willow thinks while looking at Elliot.

"Hunter. This is her mother. Let her-" Elliot said before Willow stopped him.

"Hunter. My name's Willow Ricks, I'm Rebecca's mother." Willow tells him while walking towards him steadily.

'She did say she wanted to tell her parents that she would be at my place...' Hunter thinks then immediately feels a sharp sudden pain. "Argh!" He then holds Rebecca tightly. "Sorry miss. I trust you and believe you are her mother but she needs to be taken somewhere to be checked, can you trust me?"

' He's a vampire like Rebecca so I should trust him to help her.' Willow thinks in agreement. "Alright. But please send her to us when she is alright?" Willow calms down.

"I will, thank you." He tells her sincerely. 'Wow, her mother is so understanding, unlike that a**hole of a 'father' I had.' (P.S he is referring to his vampire father. Though his foster father was no different.) Hunter then opens her locker, takes her bag and phone then leaves the school to his apartment.

"Are you sure about this miss? That's your daughter he took." Elliot asks Willow being surprised.

"Thank you for worrying." Willow told him before patting his shoulder. "But, I know he will take care of her." Then she walks to her car and drives to her house.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

At Hunter's apartment, Hunter carefully places Rebecca on his bed then falls to the floor in pain.

"Geez. The impact this time is powerful." He said still in pain then grunts. He then looks up at Rebecca, she was as pale as ever. 'Even as she is unconscious, the effect is still hurting her...' Hunter then steps out to get blood for them to drink.


"Hu-Hun. Hunter...." Rebecca stutters in pain, she grips the bed sheets in pain. Hunter comes back into the room with two cups of human blood he had in his kitchen. Hunter hunts human in the midnight and stores them in his store room in the kitchen to feed on.

"Hey. Relax." He tells her as he sits on a chair next to the bed. ' Gosh. I guess mother wasn't wrong when she said that the royals are dangerously affected during blood moon. She's burning up and going pale by the minute.' Hunter then sits her up a bit but Rebecca suddenly grabs his hand and drags him to her. She then bites him in the neck forcefully. "Ack! Geez. I guess you've never had human blood for a long time..' as he rubs his hand through her hair.

About twenty minutes later, Rebecca relaxes and falls asleep as Hunter set her on the bed. He then took up her hand. "Sorry princess but this is a little pay back." Then he used one of his fangs on a finger and began to suck it. He then licked it after. "Mhm. Sweet as honey~ I won't be surprised if I'm the first to have tasted a royal's blood." He then cleans it and put a band-aid on it.

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