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Here it is, let's see if the romance continues here. Make sure to follow and vote.

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Hunter wakes up first. He looks around the room and sees the clock.

"9am huh" He said with a deep voice. He then tried to stand but couldn't. "Huh?" He notices that Rebecca is still asleep on him.

"Mmh~~" Rebecca groans while moving around. She lays on his lap and cuddles his hands. "Ahh~ why is my pillow so hard?"

"Because you're hugging my hand." Hunter snaps at her while holding in his frustration.

"Ah!" She shouts in fright and gets off him. "Sorry!"

"It's fine. Since it's already morning, I suggest you get dressed-" Hunter says as he spots that she had already gone into the room.

"I'm bathing first!" She yells.

"Got it." Hunter says hopelessly.

An hour later, Rebecca had dressed into the jumpsuit she wore the other day as Hunter sets breakfast.

"Grilled liver or Fried Liver?" He asks her while preparing to do either.

"Both please." She says cheerfully.

' Gosh. Looking at her face makes me not want to let her go home.' he thinks then he notices he was blushing a bit and turns to the stove immediately.

"Did something happen?" She asks confused.

"No. No. Everything's fine." He lies as he fries the liver. He then places them in plates with a cup of hot milk.

"Ahh~ Thank you!" She exclaims then began to eat.

' Don't look. Don't look. Don't look!' Hunter tells himself in his mind. He didn't want to accept that he has feelings for Rebecca.

"Amazing breakfast." Rebecca says while standing to go and drop the plate. "I'll wash them out while you go bathe." Hunter agrees and goes to the bathroom.

Rebecca had finished washing the dishes when her phone rang.

"Hello" she says answering.

"Rebecca." Her mother calls to her while reminding her to greet first.

"Oh! Sorry, Good morning mom. How are you?" She asks walking back to the living room while on the phone.

"Morning love, I'm fine. Hunter told us what happened." Willow says.

"Oh. But I'm fine now, so no worries." Rebecca says assuring her she's fine.

"Alright dear. Are you coming home soon?" She asks.

"Of course! I miss you guys!" Rebecca says with a smile.

"Aww~ We miss you too Beca." Parker says behind the phone.

"Father, you're there too?" Rebecca asks surprised to hear him.

"Yes dear, we can wait for you to come home." He says.

"Alright then, I'll start coming." She responds.

"Rebecca, do want me to come get you?" Willow asks.

"No no mother. I wanna show up on my own. Don't worry." She assures them before hanging up. "Hey Hunter, I'm gonna head out for a bit." Rebecca walks out of the apartment.

*  *  *  *  *  *

Rebecca walks a bit and spots Sara in front of a pharmacy.

"Hey." She calls to her while going to meet her. Sara turns and sees Rebecca, in happiness she runs to her and hugs her. "Huh?"

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