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Wow. Let's see aside from Rebecca's parents knowing about vampires. There's Elliot and the stupid EX-VP. Ahh~ well, let's see what happens.

*  *  *  *  *  *

It's the exams week. Rebecca is a bit sleepy because of the daily reading routine Hunter made.

"Good morning Rebecca!" Olive says while walking into school with Taylor.

"Good morning." She tells her with a smile.

"Morning~~" Rebecca replies before yawning. "How are you guys?" Olive and Taylor are surprised by Rebecca's dark circles.

"Girl. How long did you stay up?" Olive asks concerned.

"Oh not long, just from 8 to around 4 in the morning - I think..." Rebecca tells them as she puts her bag in her locker, she snoozes and naps.

"Whoa! She really didn't get enough sleep." Olive tells Taylor after seeing her fall asleep with her head in the locker.

"It's obvious. So, what do you think we should do?" Taylor asks her. Elliot walks in and meets the girls.

"Morning ladies." He says then sees Rebecca sleeping with her head in her locker. "Is she.. ok?"

"Hahahahah!!!" Mia laughs from across them. She had walked into the hallway and met Rebecca sleeping in her locker. "What the heck! Did she stay up late just for some exams? How ridiculous!"

"Excuse me.. but what's so funny about staying up late studying?" Olive asks her after turning to face her with a glare.

"I don't get it either. At least, she stays up reading and not painting her face like you." Taylor shot as Olive and her gave each other a fist pump.

"Huh?! It's funny because now that she's sleepy. She won't even be able to tell the difference between the table and the paper. Heh! It's obvious she's gonna fluke the exams." Mia shot back. "Geez~ I could never understand nerds." Then she turns and walks away. Hunter walks in, having heard what happened.

"Sorry guys, it's kinda my fault. Rebecca asked me for some tutoring tips and I ended up making it a routine for the past week." Hunter apologizes sincerely while rubbing his head.

"Oh. I didn't know Rebecca knew your house. Since when did-" Olive says before Elliot interrupted her.

"Alright guys, I have to hit the library soon and revise somethings. See you at lunch." Elliot says then walks by Olive, Taylor and Hunter.

"Hey. Rebecca..." Taylor says while tapping her.

"Huh- Ack!" Rebecca shouts immediately waking up but accidentally hits her head on the top of the locker. She hisses as she takes her head out of the locker gently. "Geez... I can't believe I fell asleep in my locker..."

"Yeah, but it's fine, we get it." Olive says then places an arm on her shoulders. "Now, let's go study!" The four of them head to the library too and review all what they're read.

*  *  *  *  *

After the exams, Elliot texts Olive to leave without him. He gets into a cab and heads to Rebecca's elementary school (P.S he researched it online). He gets there with a stern look then he sighs.

' Huh? This isn't her blood..' Paulina thinks. She has black hair and purple dye at the end. She also got piercings on her right ear and left eyebrow along with a tattoo at the back of her right hand.

"Hey, are you the person who sent this?" Elliot asks her showing her the note she had kept in Rebecca's locker.

"Ooh~ guess I got the wrong locker." She says while getting off the wall and standing straight. "So? Who are you to her?"

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