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"Where are you, my love?" Willow's husband, Parker, texted  her.

"On my way home, darling." She texted back then she heard someone crying and ran to check out who it was.

"A baby?!" She asked, stunned. 'Who would leave their baby in such a place!' she bent down to the baby. She then noticed a writing on the ground. "Rebecca... Hmm, probably her name." Willow carried the baby and did some funny faces to make her smile. "You are so beautiful. Your parents must have been real idiots to have left you here." She looked at Rebecca, whose hand was tapping her cloth while laughing. Willow thought, 'Could she be trying to tell me something?' Then she put her hand there and saw a chain. "Aww, at least they left you with something to remember them." She swung the chain above Rebecca, who tried to reach while giggling.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Willow took Rebecca to her house. "Dear, come meet someone." She said, calling Parker. He came down and saw Willow with the baby.

"Darling, whose daughter is that?" He asks curiously, and then he walks forward to meet them.

"No one's. She was in the corner of the alley not far, and it seemed like her parents weren't rich enough to raise her or something.." she said. "Anyways, I was thinking, can we..."

"Adopt her?" Parker completed with concern. Willow nodded with a smile. "I dunno, did you see her parents?"

"Dear, I just said I found her, plus her parents left this for her." Showing him the chain as Rebecca tried to reach for it again. "See? She loves it. Also, her name is Rebecca."

"How do you know that?" He asked.

"It was scratched on the ground beside her." She replied."So, please?"she pleaded.

"Alright.." Parker agreed as Willow squealed a bit, then cuddled Rebecca.

"Welcome to the family, Rebecca Ricks." She said while cuddling her.


Willow brought Rebecca some baby cereal to eat. When she tried to feed her, Rebecca immediately spat it out and cried.

"Rebecca, why won't you eat?" She asked, then she sighed. 'This is the third time today she refused to eat...I'm beginning to get worried she'll fall ill'. She then pulled her chair towards Rebecca's baby table and hissed. "Ow! I must have hurt myself.." Rebecca then started reaching for her finger that got hurt. She wanted to suck the blood off her finger. "Hm?" Willow noticed her reaction. 'Does she want my finger?' Willow then stretches her finger to Rebecca. Rebecca holds it and sucks on it, then licks it and lets it go. She then giggles as Willow is taken back on what just happened.

After putting Rebecca to bed at night, Willow goes to the room and meets Parker.

"Dear, I think something's wrong with Rebecca.." She stated.

"Huh? What's wrong? Did something happen?" He asked, worried.

"She...uhh. You know how I couldn't give her food almost all day, right?" She asked, looking nervous as she walked to the bed and sat beside him.

The Last Royal Blood Vampire.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora