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Here we go! Into another adventure of discovery.

*  *  *  *  *

"Mhm." Mr Mark hums after listening to what Frank told him. "And have you gotten any photo of this creature?"

"No photos, but these are pictures of how the victims look after it flees." Frank told him before giving him a few pictures. Mr Mark takes them and looks at them.

It's four pictures: the first one is about a man, who was injured majorly in his chest area two months ago. The second picture is about a mother and son, the mother was ripped up from her stomach and lost her kidneys while the son only had scars on his arms. The third one was Sara's sister, Sasha. She was stabbed on the left side of her chest. No organ taken. The last photo was a week ago, it was a couple, the boy had been hit on the head, a crack in the skull and bite marks on his neck, the girl was untouched because she had been knocked unconscious.

"My. This extraordinary." Mr Mark says looking at them. "So, any idea what this creature may be?"

"No really sir. Some people say it may be a werewolf or a beast that's doing this." Frank tells him.

"No... It's definitely the work of a vampire." He says then picks up a pen and circles some things on the photos before showing Frank. "Take a look." He had marked out places the vampire had bitten on some of the victims. "It's not like they've not touched, the vampire is being cautious and may only bite them. And it seems it works at night. Just the perfect chance to exterminate it and finally eradicate all those filthy vampires from this earth."

*  *  *  *  *

"Wow! This so yummy!" Rebecca exclaims after taking a bite of a grilled lung meat.

"I know, right?" Hunter asks while coming to meet her with some more lung and kidney meat.

"Who would have thought human parts were this tasty?" She asks feeling sad as she stops eating.

Hunter notices her and sighs. "I know you're not used to this but, you can't keep drinking blood and liquid drink or soups forever. We're vampires, not eating flesh is like not eating food to humans." He explains trying to cheer her up.

"Hunter. It's not that I'm worried about..." She says then put down the plate of meat. "How many people did you do kill to get these?" Rebecca then looks up at him. He immediately feels bad and sits on the bench besides her.

"I...  never thought it this way. I just thought that I would be doing good for myself by doing this." He says.

"Hunter, I kinda understand your reason but I don't think I can keep going on with this." She says then stands up and walks back home.

'I really hurt her this time. But it's the truth, right?' he thinks. Hunter then decides to walk back to his apartment. He gets there and switches on the lights.

"Good evening, sir." A weird man says sitting on his couch, he then stands up and walks to him.

"Who the heck are you?" He asks annoyed.

"Oh me. I'm just a fellow friend of your parents." The man says as he raises his hat. He is Mr Rogers Dylan. A former lover to Hunter's mom who is human. He felt bad when he heard that his parents had been taken out along with the other vampires.

"Which one?" He asks.

"Sandra, your vampire mother..." He tells him.

"How the-" he asks shocked. Hunter never knew about him. His mother never mentioned anything about loving a human.

"I see. I guess she never told you..." He says then walks back to the couch.

"Tell me what? What do you mean?" He asks curious as he walks to him.

The Last Royal Blood Vampire.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ