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* * * * * * * * *
Rebecca gets home with Hunter and is now making dinner for them as Hunter steps out of his room, shirtless and in a pair of shorts.

"Hey... have you seen my blue hoodie, I swore I-" Hunter says as he looks at Rebecca who immediately turns away from him.

"Huh? I dunno, look around your-" She blurts before seeing his shadow in front of her. "Ahh~~! I'm sorry, ok!"

"...fine. Next time, try asking for it." He says before leaving to the room.

* * * * * * *

Two weeks has gone by, Rebecca and Hunter gets used to the cold and reduce their clothing. Elliot and Rebecca became closer and the group began to hang out more often.

' Hey gurl! Taylor's birthday's this Friday and it would be a public holiday, so I thought about doing a surprise party, what do you think?' Olive texts.

' What?! That's incredible! Let's ask the guys for help too.' Rebecca responds then switches to Elliot's chat and texts:

' Hey! This Friday's Taylor's birthday! Olive and I want to do a surprise party for her, wanna help?'

' Of course! Let's use what she likes as the theme for it.' He replies.

' Mhmm. I'll ask Olive.' Rebecca texts then switches to Olive;

' Hey, what are we using as the theme for the party?'

' Taylor's a big fan of horror stuffs, so let's go for a Halloween theme.' Olive replies.

' Sounds good! What's your outfit gonna be?' Rebecca asks.

' Well, I don't really fantasize these things but ..she once introduced me to a zombie movie and it was really cool so, I'm definitely going for zombie!' She texts.

' Well I'm going for a vampire look. They are seem a lot like me.' Rebecca texts.

' Yeah, no kidding. Those sharp teeth of yours is already part of your costume. Anyways, gotta get the decorations set. Chat ya later~'  Olive sent before going offline.

"Using a vampire costume, I just have to avoid using my powers and I'll be fine." Rebecca says to herself before hearing a knock on her door.

"Hey, wanna go watch a movie together?" Hunter asks from behind the door.

"You're that bored?" She asks.

"Drop the tease, I hate being indoors too much." He responds.

"No problem, lemme change first." She tells him then enters her bathroom. Hunter waits in the living room in a baggy green hoodie and a pair of trousers. "Sorry, you know how long it takes ladies right?" Rebecca walks out in a white shirt, on top of it is a jean jumpsuit. She wore a white pair of sneakers under. Hunter blushes but immediately bites himself to snap out it. They head to the cinemas then afterwards, spend the whole day having fun.

* * * * * * * *

It's Wednesday, two days left till the surprise party. Rebecca has been getting closer to Theodore. They meet at school during lunch sometimes and chat late at night from their homes.

"Hey Beca." Theodore says while walking to her from a corner and waving.

"Theo! How are you?" She asks turning to him with a smile.

"I'm great, how about you?" He asks.

"Doing well, my friends and I are setting up a surprise party for a friend of ours, wanna help?" She asks.

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