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Let's see where this chapter takes us.

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Paulina is in her room, leaning on her window and eating chicken leg.

"Becky's a royal. If I can just get her in my control and make her angry, these filthy humans will scream in horror and fear us!" She exclaims with a grin on her face. "Hah! I just hope that boy actually shows up, that'll make things a whole lot easier..." She refers to Hunter because she has noticed that someone found out her 'secret' of midnight snacking. (P.S The nights she would go around slaughtering humans.)

*  *  *  *  *  *

School opens in a new season, winter which is the worst periods for vampires. Rebecca and Hunter enters school looking like zombies because the cold. They are both wearing hoodies and coats with boots and gloves. Everyone begins to mutter and mumble about they're look but they didn't care.

"Oh my gosh. What the heck is wrong with you two?" Hannah Tarks asks rhetorically then crackles. She is with Mia and two other girls.

"Huh? What did she say?" Rebecca asks Hunter with a weak tone while putting her bag in her locker.

"Dunno, don't care." Hunter responds while leaning on the locker next to hers.

"Rebecca!" Olive calls upon seeing her and Hunter then rushes over with Taylor following behind.

"Hey! Don't you dare ignore us!" Mia shouts at them before throwing her purse which almost hits Rebecca but Hunter immediately pushes her to the floor and it hits him.

"Ack!" Rebecca shot in a bit of pain while holding her head before looking up to see Hunter whose face looks at the floor, Rebecca then sees a drop of blood drip. Hunter had hurt his head because Mia's purse had a hard metal buckle which hit him hard. "Hunter!"

"I'm...fine.." he says while panting before looking at her with a cheesy smile.

"Argh!!" Mia shot angrily then runs up to Hunter and grabs him by his collar. "What the hell is up with you?! She's just a b**** who should handle her on matters by herself, so quit-!" Then Olive slaps her hard.

" You've gone to far Adan! Who do you think you are huh.. Some princess?" Olive shouts, suddenly a team of teachers shows up and meets them.

"What's going on here?!" On the lecturers asks furious.

"Sir!" Hannah shouts while going to meet him. "It's them!" She points at Rebecca and her friends. "They started this."

"What! She's definitely lying sir! They came up to us and-" Olive shot angrily.

"Enough! Miss Ricks, take Mr Micks to the school clinic. Miss Roosevelt and Brees, follow me along with you two." He tells them while also referring to Mia and Hannah.

*  *  *  *  *  *

Rebecca stands and walks Hunter to the clinic. She sits him on the bed and looks at his wound.

"Does it hurt?" She asks while raising some of his hair to take a look only to see dry blood.

"Forgot to mention this point, "we" can heal." He tells her a bit quietly because the nurse was coming.

"Oh.." Rebecca says realizing.

"Something happen?" The nurse asks coming towards them.

"Ahh yes ma'am. My friend got hit in the head and is bleeding." Rebecca tells her and moves away a bit as the nurse takes a look at the injured part.

"Mmh~ Just need a lil' clean up and plaster to cover it up." She says as she takes some wipes and cleans the blood then places the plaster on the small scar. They then both leave the clinic and are stopped by Mr Trex, the Physics lecturer, he was the one who took Olive, Taylor, Mia and Hannah to his office earlier.

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