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The next day, Taylor's driver has dropped Rebecca back at her house. She waves to Taylor and Olive as they drive back then turns to the house and walks towards the door as her phone dings and she takes it out and looks at her notifications.

' It's from Elliot..' She thinks then opens the message.

' Hey Rebecca. I was just wondering if you still remember our hangout later in the afternoon... ' Elliot sent her.

' Hey! Of course I remember. Where are we meeting? ' Rebecca texts then opens the front door and walks in. She glances her eyes above her phone view and sees Hunter stepping out of his room in a vest and shorts.

"Hello Mr Sleepy head." She says to him while smirking as she walks into the kitchen. Hunter just sluggish rolls his eyes.

"How was the girls night?" He asks as he walks towards the kitchen and wraps his arms around her waist.

"It was fine. How about you? What were you up all night doing?" She asks while washing some fruits. Her phone then dings, it's a reply from Elliot.

"Whose texting you?" He asks while raising his head from her back to see her phone which she kept by the side of the sink.

"It's Elliot.." She replies as she wipes her hands on her dress, takes her phone and opens the message:

' I'll come and pick you up. Be ready at 4. ' He texted her. Rebecca reads it with a smile.

"Why are you smiling? Do you prefer him instead?" Hunter asks with a disapproving tone as he slowly lets go of her waist.

"You jealous?" She asks him while glancing up at him, he adverts his gaze from her. Rebecca sighs knowing she's gone a bit too far. She drops her phone and turns to him then wraps her hands around his neck. "Relax~ I was just teasing you. Plus, we're gonna be just friends..."

"That's not what he thinks.." He tells her.

"I know.. but don't you trust me?" She asks him then Hunter pecks her forehead.

"I'm sorry.." He apologizes then softly kisses her. "Want me to leave so you make us breakfast?"

"Ah! I got so lost in our talk that I totally forgot." She tells him then reaches to his hand to remove his hands from her waist but Hunter takes one of her hands and interlocks his fingers with hers. "What is it-" He then leans forward and kisses her while walking forward making her move back too. They keep it up until she hits her back against the sink slab and pull apart.

"..Just wanted a snack before breakfast." He tells her then rubs her head and walks to the living room, leaving her flustered.

* * * * * * *

After eating breakfast, she goes into her room and falls onto the bed.

' Geez.. was he always such a flirt!' She thinks while blushing then she remembers Elliot and sets an alarm for 3:30 so she'll get ready before he arrives.

* * * * * * * * * * *

A few hours have gone by as Rebecca is fast asleep. Hunter knocks on her door to wake her up because it's 3:29.

"Beca. Hey, you awake?" He asks still knocking. "Guess not.." Hunter opens the door and enters. He meet her in a weird sleeping posture with her phone by her left side. Hunter scoffs then taps her. "Hey, it's 3:30, don't you wanna get ready?"

"Mmhm.. what for?" She asks sounding sleepy as her alarm rings. "It's time already?"

"Yeah.." Hunter replies.

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