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Within thirty minutes, the news about the existence of vampires spread around the country. Taylor's phone later rings.

"It's my dad.." She tells Ian.

"Go ahead." He tells her, she answers the call.

"Taylor, a friend of mine informed the mayor and he now asking for a meeting with these vampire friends of yours.." Her father tells her.

"Really?! Thank you so much dad!" Taylor exclaims happily with a big smile. "Don't worry, I'll tell them, when should they come meet him?"

"Tomorrow around noon, also school will be opening next week so get ready." He informs her.

"Yes dad." She responds. "I love you bye~"

"Bye dear." He replies then hangs up.

"So what's the news?" Ian asks her.

"A friend of my dad's close with the mayor so now, the mayor has asked for a meeting with Rebecca and everyone." She tells them.

"We heard the news, when's the meeting?" Elliot asks while walking into the living room with Paulina supporting him as he still a lil' bit weak in the legs.

"Tomorrow, exactly at noon." She responds.

"Sounds good to me." Paulina agrees with a smiley face.

"How are you doing Elliot?" Willow asks while Paulina helps sits him on the one of the dinning table chairs.

"I'm doing well Mrs Ricks, thank you for your concern.." He replies.

* * * * * * * *

By 5pm, Everyone gathers in the living to break apart to their homes.

"Well, these last little days we've spent here were truly fascinating.." Ivan says.

"No kidding. We made a lot of memories here.." Olive says.

"Yeah.. and memories, they also include the information that this house is where they made their relationship official." Taylor explains while giggling with teasing smile.

"Taylor!!" Olive shouts in embarrassment while blushing. Ivan and Ian just laughs.

"Now that everything's coming to an end, sadly we must return to our homes.." Elliot says sounding like formal business man.

"What are acting all formal for?! As long as we're all still friends, nothing can stop us from seeing each other!" Paulina exclaims.

"That's true.." Willow agrees with her.

"Alright, now that we have said our speeches and had our laughs.." Rebecca says while walking into the living room from the kitchen with a tray of snacks.

"Did you teleport here?" Olive asks surprised to see her, because she hadn't stepped out of her parent's room since.

"Yeah.." She replies then places the tray down on the table.

"And is that Hunter's shirt you're wearing?" Taylor asks with intriguing tone, waiting on her reply.

"I'm not answering that." She says firmly then turns after taking up a cup of drink she had poured into each cups. "So, how about a lil' celebration before the meeting tomorrow?"

"We'll celebrate too but not too long.." Willow tells her while taking up a cup and so does Parker.

"Let's drink till we drop!!" Paulina exclaims already holding up her cup.

"Yeah!" Everyone exclaims too happily. They all drink and eat and celebrate. Of course, by 11pm, Willow and Parker went to their rooms to sober and sleep while the rest of them partied till 3.

The Last Royal Blood Vampire.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin