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Meanwhile, at the wrecked building of EX-VP. Mr Mark has established a new team of exterminators. They're half of the last amount but Mr Mark didn't care.

"You. What are the status report of our first move on those pests?" He asks the spy who has been watching Rebecca's house and all of their movements. He watches them from a hotel balcony that is ten meters from their house. (P.S He used binoculars to see them but he can't hear.)

"The effect of the drug has begun." He tells him.

"And?" Mr Mark asks inquiring more news.

"They have no idea about the source.." He continues.

"Perfect~" Mr Mark says while leaning on his chair and crossing his legs. "Thirty minutes later, I want you two to go and fake an inspection. Get into their house and kill that royal blood!" He stares at two other staffs.

"Yes sir!" The two staffs respond in unison.

* * * * * *

' This is strange.. as far as I've known Hunter, the only thing that can hurt him like this are our vampire weakness.. but there isn't any around us...' Rebecca thinks seriously while softly stroking Hunter's hair.

"Beca... Do you have any idea what's going on? You're fine.. so what's happening?" Hunter asks weakly as he pants softly. He is shirtless because he started sweating profusely.

"I don't think it's vampire weaknesses, more of a regular vampire weaknesses." She says then picks up her phone and texts Elliot:

' Hey, is Paulina ok? Just checking.. ' She texts him.

' No.. she's been sweating like crazy. Is Hunter facing the same issue, what about you? You seem fine if you can message me. ' He responds.

' Yeah, and that's because it isn't for all vampires in general, it's only regular vampires who suffers this, but I have no idea what the source of this is! ' Rebecca texts.

"Anything?" Hunter asks her.

"Geez, you've become as weak as a bunny but your will is as strong as a lion. Just rest ok, leave everything to the rest of us, ok Hunter?" She asks him with a pleading look. Hunter smiles at her as a response of 'yes', then raises his hand to her face to hold her cheek, Rebecca smiles and leans forward, he caresses her cheek before they kiss.

Hunter later takes a nap and Rebecca already texts the others to gather in the living room. Taylor and Ian are awake but Taylor looks a bit sleepy so she is resting her head on Ian's chest while sitting in between his legs, Ian leans on the arm rest of the sofa while his arms is wrapped around Taylor's waist. Ivan and Olive join in, Olive who feels comfy in Ivan's shirt still wears it out leaving him with only his jacket which he zipped half way. They both sit on the dining table chairs. Elliot walks inside with Paulina whose trying to rest, he takes her into Rebecca's room and lies her there before going back and sitting on another chair in the room. Rebecca sits on the couch with a serious face.

"Guys.. something's happening around us.." She tells them.

"Something serious.." Elliot mentions.

"I'll say, the organization are probably ready and are attacking." Olive tells them.

"True.. so leader, what can we do?" Taylor asks Rebecca.

"The strategy can't work now because of what's going on with Hunter and Paulina, so.." She says then stands up. "How about we confuse them?" Everyone looks at her confused.

"What do you mean Rebecca?" Olive asks.

"I've begun to sense that we're being watched by Mark's men.. they definitely know us vampires well.. but." She says. "My range of human blood smell is as far as about twelve metres than that of a regular vampire that is just eight metres.."

The Last Royal Blood Vampire.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant