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Let's take a blast, into the past guys~

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Rebecca was in elementary school, being told to be 6 (30 in vampire age). She was very cautious and tried to avoid people. Some of the children were curious about her but Paulina Dines, made up a rumor about her being a freak who's allergic to humans and would always mock her. Rebecca never cared one bit.

One day in the 4th grade, the school had sent information to parents about having a camping trip. Of course, Rebecca's mother wasn't pleased but Parker pleaded to let her enjoy her childhood and have fun. After that, she agrees and Rebecca goes. But before leaving, Willow tells her some instructions and gives her things including a bottle of blood.

Rebecca as usual stays alone even the teachers try to encourage her to have fun but she politely refuses and plays by herself.

"Look at her. She's really a weirdo." A boy says.

"Yeah. She never plays anyone. The rumors are true." A girl says.

"She's a creep."

"A freak."

"Probably a monster in disguise."

"Hear that? Everyone thinks you're weird and weird people like you shouldn't be around normal people like us!" Paulina shot at her before pushing her to fall into dirt. "Ahahaha!" Paulina laughs as some other students laughs too. Rebecca just stares at the dirt immediately she felt a sharp pain and hisses. "Huh? Did you say something?" Rebecca gets up while holding herself. It was her first experience of the red blood moon which she had forgotten. "Hey!" Rebecca pushes through the students and runs into the camping dorms. She enters a dorm and breathes heavily.

'Argh. What's happening to me? Maybe I'm hungry, yeah that's why.' she thought then walks steadily to her dorm while making sure no one was onto her. She stops infront of a room and smells blood from it. 'My bag. It's in here.' She opens the door and rushes towards the bag, rips it open and drinks down the pig blood unfortunately it didn't work. 'Ah! Why? Why didn't it work? What should I do?' Rebecca fell to her knees being weak and held her chest still panting heavily.

"Hey~ Freak! Where are you? The teachers are looking for you." Paulina calls to her with an annoyed tone. ' Tch. Why did they ask me to do this, just because it's my fault she ran away. Hmph! She was a freak anyways, not my fault she finally realized.' Rebecca was in hall C whereas Paulina was in hall D heading to where Rebecca was.

'Blood? Oh no. Someone's-' She thinks without even realizing when she had ran at full speed to Paulina, she tackles her down and immediately starts sucking her blood.

"Ouch! What the- Ahh!" Paulina cries in pain. Rebecca kept sucking for about an hour then accidentally released some of hers into her body because she was exhausted. She then looks up after some time and sees Paulina.

' Oh no!' Rebecca thinks shocked. Paulina had fallen unconscious due to the infusion of her blood. After that, their parents were called. Willow immediately apologizes to Paulina's parents sincerely before suggesting they move to Sirin city.

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As times when on for Paulina, she noticed she couldn't be content with food like she used and she would always be triggered by an urge to drink blood. When she finally investigated and found out she had become a vampire, she ran away from home but later sent a letter that she would like to stay away from them forever.

She flew to another city and lived there as a human in disguise. She grew with the thought of having 'fun' with this form. She was the culprit behind those attacks to which Hunter just came across their bodies and took some of them's organs.

The Last Royal Blood Vampire.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora