What the ghouls do when your sick

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Sodo:would go to the store and get you everything you needed. Then when he got back he would ask you if you wanted him to make you some soup. And ofc you said yes. When he got done making it he would bring it to you while you were in bed with a warm towel over your head because you also had a headache. Then after you got done eating he would cuddle with you and you two would watch a movie.

Swiss:would already have everything for you. Then would make you a hot bath to make you feel better. Then would turn on a movie and then he would rub your head.

Rain:Would panic for a minute not sure what to do but then would take some deep breath's and ask you what he could do to help.

Aerther:Would go make you some soup. And then after you're done eating he would rub your back.

Mountain:He would go to the store and then text you and ask you what you need then he would buy it. Then when he got home he gave you the stuff then asked you if you needed anything else and he would do anything you asked him.


(Sorry this was kinda rushed I was just trying to put something out today hope you guys like it tho<3.

Word count 232.

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