Part1 sodo & rain.

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(Smut will be in the next chapter 😫.)

(Rain and sodo are very good friends and if rain ever needed to tell someone something sodo was the first person he went to sodo made rain feel safe and sodo was always there for him. And always listening to everything he had to say and always comforted him if he was going through something so yea they are very close. Rain always said that he was straight nothing more but deep down he knew damn well he wasn't (for now will just say he's bi.) and sodo already knew damn well that he was lying he knew that rain likes men more. So sodo decided that he would find out for his self today and if he found out that rain did like men then rain was going to be his. Cause rain already new that sodo was a little fruity and he also knew that he has done it with other me how could he not? Look at his tattoo on his stomach says a lot of you as me. (Sodo is now abt to text rain to come over.)

Sodo:hey rain wyd?

Rain:oh hey sodo and nothing just kinda bored wbu?

Sodo:Same thing would you like to come over and hangout or something? (Sodo has this all planned out😉.)

Rain:yea sure I don't see why not what time should I come over?

Sodo:You can come now if you'd like.

Rain:Ok On my way! See ya.

Sodo:Ok be careful cya.

(Back to sodo pov.)

Sodo:Hmm this will be fun.I just hope he like's it and not hate it and hate me but i know he knows damn well he likes guys more than girls and everytime when I teased him on stage he look like he likes it to me.

(Rain actually really did like what sodo did to him on stage but he hid the facet that he did. And everytime he did something to the other ghouls rain would get pissed of and I mean like hella mad. But of course he never said anything bc they aren't dating so it would be weird if he did that. And little did sodo know that rain has a big crush on him. But rain is never going to tell him because he doesn't want people making fun of him for liking sodo. And he's to scared of ruining there friendship so he will never tell sodo how he feels. But oh little did he know that he will be telling sodo his feelings tonight because sodo is going to make him. And sodo also had a crush on rain. But he never said he did because he didn't wanna make rain uncomfortable just in case he's not actually gay. But he is😉. Anyways back to sodo's pov.

Sodo:Hmm he should be here now it's been a while ig I should text him.

Sodo's name in text in
Rain's phone is
Rude Bitch🙄
And in sodo's phone
Rains name is
Shy ass boy🖤🤦🏻‍♀️

Rude bitch🙄:hey where are you?

Shy ass boy🖤🤦🏻‍♀️:hey sorry I forgot to tell you. I went to go get something but I'm almost there now so I'll be there in abt 2min.

Rude bitch🙄:ok cya.

Shy ass boy🖤🤦🏻‍♀️:cya.

(Rain is now about to knock on sodo's door.)

Sodo:Come in. Hey sodo rain said coming up to him. Hey rain sodo said while standing up to give rain a hug. How have you been rain asked. I've been better what about you? Ehh I've been Alr I guess rain said with a sigh. Did something happen? Yea actually rain said while looking away. Here sit down and tell me I can see that something is really bothering you what is?
Well you know my girlfriend Isabel rain said. Yea what about her? Well the other night I went through he phone since she was in the kitchen and I found that she was talking to another man. Well what did she say I asked. She said that she missed him a lot and that she wanted to go see him soon but she had to wait and be careful because of me and then I saw she said I love you to the man and he said it back and I obviously went to her and said who the hell is this and she just stood there like a dumb ass and said no one and took her phone from me. But i just broke up with her and told her to get out so that's what happened rain said while kinda tearing up. Oh my I'm so sorry that happened rain she's a bitch she didn't deserve you I said while hugging him trying to comfort him the best I could. It ok oh well rain said. I have a question? I said to rain. Ok what is it? rain said. Have you ever thought of dating a man before maybe it would be better for you? Oh I- uhh well I mean I thought about it but I'm to scared to and I'd still probably get my heart broken so I'll probably just stay single but yes I have thought about it. But why are you asking rain said with confusen. Just wondering that's all I said nervously (I'd never break his heart sodo thought to himself.) So what about you do you have a girlfriend? Rain asked trying not to make it so awkward. Uhh no actually but I mean girls like me but I kinda like men more if yk what I mean I said nervously. Oh I had no idea that you were gay I thought you were just fruity rain said awkwardly. Bro look at my tattoo sodo said while picking up his shirt so that rain could see his tattoo that said sodomizer. (If you don't know what that means look it up.) oh yea I forgot about that I also have a question rain said. Ok hit me what is it sodo asked. Ok so have you yk.. have I what sodo said with a little smirk because he knew what rain was about to ask. H-have you ever done it with a guy rain asked in embarrassment. Actually yes I have but ofc I was the one doing it not them sodo said with a little chuckle. Wait who was it rain asked (he got a bit jealous as sodo said that but tried to make it obvious but sodo knew he was jealous.) I actually did it with Swiss once only because he was begging because he needed it I said no but he just kept begging me so I helped him out because I'm sure he was also hurting but he's not gay at all he was just really horny and needed someone I sodo said. Wow I would have never thought you would fuck swiss but I guess I thought wrong rain said getting a little pissed. Jealous are we sodo said with a smirk making the water ghoul look at him. W-what no never I was just s-but sodo cut him off. Yeah yeah sure your not he said while cupping rains face to look at him in the eyes. Does someone have a crush on me?sodo asked while laughing. NO rain said (but deep down he knew that he really did like sodo but is to scared to say it.) I don't like being lied to sodo said with a more serious tone. I-I'm not lying rain said as his face started to get heated of how embarrassed he was. Oh ok so you'd be ok if I were to bring Swiss over right now and go fuck him in my room? Sodo said while looking right in rains eyes. Rain just sat there unable to say anything. Use your words go on? Sodo said with a little smirk. I-sodo I need to-nvm rain said but he stopped before he could say anything else because of how scared he was. What is it? Sodo asked. Nothing just forget it please rain said while looking away from sodo in embarrassment. Hey you look at me when I'm talking to you what what the hell is it you better tell me right now or I'm kicking you out sodo said a little annoyed. Ok ok fine please don't kick me out rain said. I'm just scared to tell you I don't wanna ruin our friendship rain said as he started to tear up. Hey don't cry nothing could ever ruin our friendship just tell me you know you can tell me anything sodo said with a more calming voice. Ik Ik I'm sorry it's just that.. you what? Sodo said. I like you there fuck I said it rain said as he looked away from sodo again in embarrassment. Hey there's no need to be embarrassed I can't believe you were that scared just to tell me that sodo said with a small laugh. I like you too see it's not that hard sodo said with a smile on his face. W-wait really you do rain said in shock. Yea I have for awhile I just didn't wanna make you uncomfortable so I didn't tell you but I was planning on telling you soon but ig now's the time sodo said. Well I wasn't expecting that but ok rain said while looking at the tv. Do you uhh wanna watch a movie? Rain asked trying to Change the subject. Sure you can pick something sodo said. Ok thx rain said as he scrolled through movies on Netflix. Come here sodo said as he patted a spot next to him.

Ok rain said and scooted closer to Sodo and sodo pulled him in his arms and they are now cuddling.

~time skip it's almost been an hour now and the movie has just now over~.

(Uhh sodo rain said. What? sodo asked confused umm do you have a.. a what sodo said. A bonner? Rain said while his face heated once again. Oh well I guess I do haha sodo said. This quite literally turned rain one and made him get a little hard as well. Staring are we? Sodo said with a little smile. Indeed I am rain said. Oh wow finally you can be bold sodo said. Shut the fuck up rain said annoyed. Don't tell me that or I will have to punish you he warned. Shut the fuck up rain said with a smirk he wanted sodo to punish him tbh. Oh I see what you are doing you want me to punish you don't you? Sodo said. Maybe I do maybe I don't rain said. You slut sodo said as he pulled rain onto his lap. Am not rain said. Mhm sure so I guess you don't want me to punish you then?sodo said trying to get rain to admit that he did. Well I never said that rain said as he was turning as red as a tomato. Oh so you are a slut sodo said with a laugh. Do you want me to fuck you? Sodo asked. Ok ok fine yes I do rain said. I knew it haha you little whore sodo said. Shut up rain said. Hey watch your mouth sodo said while slapping rain's thigh. Oh fuck rain said. If you want me to rail you you're going to have to fucking beg me and tell me what you want me to do sodo said. Ugh cmon sodo why can't you just fuck me. Someone's needy cmon just be a good boy and do as I say sodo said. Good boy made rain melt and even more needy. Goddamn please sodo please just fuck me already rain cried out. Really not good enough try hard sodo said with a smile on his lips. Oh fuck please please sodo make me feel good fuck me till I can't walk anymore make me yours please rain said. Good boy sodo said fuck rain said melting at sodo calling him good boy (he loves praising.) you like me calling you good boy?don't you sodo said. Fuck yes please don't stop calling me that rain said. I won't pretty boy sodo said. Please touch me already please sodo. Sodo? Wdym rain asked. It's not sodo tonight it's daddy sodo said with a smirk on his lips. Please daddy please touch me already please rain cried out. Awe that looks like it hurts sodo said pointing to rains hard dick he could see it through his pants. It does please help me?daddy rain said. Fine since you asked so nicely sodo said.


(I'm so sorry for leaving it on a cliff hanger but I'm about to start on the next part of it I just wanted to do a part 2.

Word count 2164.

Ghostband  one shots. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن