Rain-bad day

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(Rain never has bad days and is always happy like every day so today would be very different for you and also him but mainly you because you've never seen him the upset and pissed off so ofc u were scared shitless of him when he got home).

Y/n:Hey rain!,how was work?

Rain:Leave me alone right now y/n

Y/n:What happened are you ok?


Y/n:I'm just trying to help and make sure you're ok I've never seen you this upset and pissed,what happened did sodo piss you off or something?

Rain:Y/n enough goddamn can you ever just shut the hell up and maybe not always have to butt in you don't always have to know what the fuck is going on satan.

Y/n:But rain-

Rain:Y/n stop! god how annoying can you be shit!

Y/n:Wow,I can't believe this is what I get when all I'm trying to do was help you and figure out what happened but satan forgive me for trying to ask you fuck this I'm done deal with it on you're own,I don't even care anymore be mad fuck it!
(You said as you went to you're guys shared room,and slammed the door).


                        *Gc with the ghouls*

Shy boy💧guys help I fucked up!

Short ass mf💀 oh satan what have you done this time?

Tall ass guy🧍🏻‍♀️oh no rain what did u do you never cuss like that?

Banana boy😋language rain!

Shimmy boy🕺✨wow buddy so you use words like that now?

Shy boy💧Guys seriously I really messsed up I don't know what to do,this is all my fault I'm such an asshole!

Shimmy boy🕺✨hey buddy you are not an asshole you are like the nicest person I. Our group so damn what the hell did u do?

Short ass mf💀yeah if anything I'm the biggest asshole here so cmon raindrop tell us maybe we can help,did something happen with y/n?

Shy boy💧Yes,yk how today I had the worst fucking day ever?

Short ass mf💀yeah?

Shy boy💧Well y/n asked me how my day was and I told her to leave me alone and then she just kept asking so I got even more pissed off and told her to stop and that she's annoying and to stop butting In because she doesn't have to know everything,and then she said fuck it never this is what I get when trying to help you fuck it I don't care anymore be mad fuck it,that's what hat she said and the she went to our bedroom and slammed the door and she's been in there for awhile I feel horrible I'm the worst bf ever!

Short ass mf💀You dumbass🤦🏻‍♀️

Shimmy boy🕺✨DAYUMMM rain that rain was harsh!

Banana boy😋Guys stop not cool!

Tall ass guy🧍🏻‍♀️Yeah you fucked up bad this time rain,I had no idea u could even get that mad,damn you aren't shy after all

Shy boy💧You guys all suck this isn't helping at all!

Short ass mf💀I'm dying rn damn rain you are an asshole LMFAOOO!!

Banana boy😋sodo enough it's not funny they might break up!

Short ass mf💀 I need to go because I'm laughing so hard rn good luck raindrop,
also you're still a dumbass!

Banana boy😋thank satan he's finally gone,I'm so sorry rain. Look what you need to do is go apologize and tell her that what you said wasn't true and tell her what happened today and why you're so pissed!

Shy boy💧ok I will Tysm aether!

Shimmy boy🕺✨and if that doesn't work then I'll take you!

Tall ass guy🧍🏻‍♀️Swiss take you're zesty ass on somewhere🤦🏻‍♀️💀.

Shimmy boy🕺✨stfu mountain!

Shy boy💧dude Swiss just go ask out sodo it's obvious you guys like each other damn 🤦🏻‍♀️

Shimmy boy🕺✨FINE!maybe I will?

Shy boy💧do it then don't be a pussy!

Tall ass guy🧍🏻‍♀️Swiss come to my room I'll take you to sodo's room so then I'll know you actually asked him!

Shimmy boy🕺✨ bet!

Shy boy💧good luck bye guys I'm gonna go talk to y/n

Ok bye good luck.

                *in text y/n and swiss*

Y/n🥲swiss what the hell is wrong with rain?

Smiley boy😁he had a really bad day at work he told the gc what happened and let me just say that he feels horrible for what he said to you and he even called himself an asshole,but I'll let him tell you what happened he's gonna come talk to you so don't worry y/n trust me he didn't mean anything that he said so just go easy on him will ya?

Y/n🥲oh on Tysm Swiss for telling me I might have yelled at him but ty and I'll go easy on him lmao!

Smiley boy😁ok thanks y/n we'll I gtg Ima go ask out sodo!

Y/n🥲wait what holy shit,what have I missed?

Smiley boy😁maybe go check the gc,you'll see by y/n!

Y/n🥲ok bye Swiss good luck!

(Ok back to rain and y/n now).

Rain:*knock know*
Y/n may I please come in?

Y/n:I suppose so!

(He then walked in and sat on the bed beside y/n).

Rain:Look y/n first off,I am so sorry I was being such a dick early,I just had a really bad day today I broke one of my strings at practice today then I kept forgetting parts to some of the songs and I never do that so I was upset then when I broke my string I had,had enough I got pissed off and left and came to the room the Thats why I got upset with you I'm so so so sorry y/n and what I said I promise you I did not mean it!,please don't leave me y/n fuck I'm so sorry(he then broke down I'm tears).

Y/n:Rainny it's ok dw Swiss told me you didn't mean it I forgive you we all have bad days please don't cry I would never leave you I love you to much to do that.

Rain:He did really?

Y/n:Yes he didn't want me to yell at you,he's a really good friend tho better be good to him(you said with a small laugh).

Rain:He really is that satan he told you he's the best friend ever I swear I love that asshole!

Y/n:Yup he's really nice,now stop crying and come cuddle with me you dumbass!

Rain:Fair enough ig!

(He then pulled you into him and kissed the top of you're head).

Rain:I love you sm y/n!

Y/n:I love you too raindrop!

(You both then fell asleep in each others arms).


(I love this omg I hope y'all do too,and btw sodo and Swiss got together lol).

Word count 1198.

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