Sodo x rain-horny rain⛔️

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(Rain wasn't feeling to good today,so he decided to call his best friend sodo to see if he could bring him some medicine).

Sodo:hey rain may I come in?(Sodo said as he knocked on his bedroom door). "Yeah rain yelled". You ok what's wrong I asked as I sat down on his bed.

Rain:Idk I just don't feel to good and I'm horny as all hell but idk what to do about it (he said nervously).

Sodo:Oh uhh sorry not sure what you can do about that!



Rain:Could you umm..maybe help me out?,please it hurts

Sodo:Rain,I-i thought you were straight, should have know with you're fruity ass ig

Rain:Please sodo help me,I know for a fact that you aren't straight either,with your gay ass

Sodo:FINE! you horny ass brat.

Rain:Thanks asshole!


(Don't be mad at me I'm about to start on the next part,I just really wanted to piss my friend off with the cliffhanger. Yk who you are and fuck u,you horny ass bitch but I love you😌🧎🏻‍♀️🖤).

Word count 202.

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