Rain drunk with sodo⛔️

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(I'm sorry Ik I have already done a sodo & rain but I wanna do another one and this one will be different.)



Sodo:That is enough drinks we need to go.

Rain:No Fuck off.

Sodo:Hey don't talk to me like that I'm trying to take care of you. I mean look at how drunk you are

Rain:Just let me have fun man.

Sodo:Look rain we need to get you home now ok?

Rain:ugh fine.

Sodo:That's what i thought cmon.

Rain:I can't walk sodo

Sodo:Alr uhh.. here come here I'll carry you to the car

Rain:Ok thanks!

Sodo:Yeah np.

~time skip sodo has now put rain in the car and sodo is now taking rain home~.

Sodo:How you felling buddy?

Rain:Uhh..not so well (he said nervously.)

Sodo:What's wrong?

Rain:N-nothing don't worry about it.

Sodo:Would you like me to stay with you tonight I can take care of you? If you want me to.

Rain:yes please.

Sodo:Needy (sodo said with a chuckle as in a jokingly way.)


Sodo:Oh really? (Sodo said taken back by his boldness.)

Rain:I-uhh sodo...



Sodo:No no tell me cmon don't do me like that or i won't stay with you tonight.

Rain:NO please I want you to stay with me.

Sodo:Why are you acting so needy?

Rain:Goddamit sodo because I want you there I said it fuck..

(Sodo couldn't find anything to say he was in shock at what his friend just said.)

Rain:well shit.

Sodo:Sorry uhh sorry I'm just in shock that's all wdym by that?

Rain:sodo cmon stop yk what I mean

Sodo:I'm afraid I don't (he said with a devilish smile.)

Rain:Ugh sodo I need you so fucking bad please (rain begging.)

Sodo:Your only saying that because you are drunk right now so I'm sorrry but I'm afraid I can't  you will regret it.

Rain:No no sodo please sodo I really do want you I always have i-I just didn't want to ruin our friendship.


Rain:Yes I really like you sodo but I'm sorry if I have ruined our friendship now. (Rain said while looking away in embarrassment.)

(Sodo then moved his head back to look at the water ghoul.)

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