El restaurante 😓

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"Are you kidding me?! What the fuck!"

You heard the door open right as you were about to fall asleep, "Y/N!" Chucky said opening your door. "chucky you always open the door at the wrong time" you say groaning "i was about to fall asleep, minche maricon."

"Perdon pero tu papa quiere hablar contigo." He says shrugging, " OH y tambien bamos a salir si quieres ir." You look at him and remember youre naked so you cover yourself up with your blanket even more. "Ah si, let me shower and get ready and ill be down in a bit." "Okay bye chulis."

He says laughing and closing the door. You get up and feel something go down your leg, "fuck." You say looking down and waddling into your shower. You get in and wash your hair and body making sure to scrub it good. "I want all of this off, i can't believe i slept with him."

You say making a disgusted face. Once you finished you got out wrapping a towel around you and walking back into your room and going to change. You decided to pick out some black jean shorts and a white tank top grabbing a sweater and putting on some makeup.

You head downstairs and put on your shoes and walk over to your dad, " que paso pa?" You say playing with your hands getting nervous. "No nada mija nomas que si quieres it manana al gym para que practices futbol."

"Pa you know i dont do futbol anymore i gave up years ago." You say sighing. "Si mija ya se pero are you sire you dont want to?" "I mean i guess.." you say frowning a bit. "Perfect, ya te puedes ir, i love you stay safe mija." He says hugging you. You hug him back, "i love you too." You say and walk away from him.

You walk over to chucky, " Entonces adónde vamos?" "We're going out to eat y lluego aver que." You shrug "alright, ya bamonos pues." He nods and grabs the car keys, "hey wait where is everyone?" You say looking at him, "theyre waiting for us over there, i just had to shower tho." "Ah okay lets go then."

*Lil time skip*

You guys get there after talking about so many things, you realize chucky isnt that bad and you really like talking to him. Anyways, you get there and walk inside everyone greeting you both and you sit down in the middle of kevin and diego.

He looks at you and you look away blushing. He puts his hand on your thigh and you dont even bother looking at him, you just try to ignore him and talk to kevin a bit which you can tell that it made him a little mad.

You noticed that the waiter was very flirty with kevin which made you feel some type of way. You look at kevin amd laugh once the waiter left, "miraaa" he blushes, "no stopp shut up i dont even like her."

He says and everyone starts laughing at him, and for some reason when he said that it made you feel relieved. You were jealous, she looked prettier and nicer. You frowned at the thought of it. You stopped thinking about it and started talking to chucky and memo about random stuff to distract you.

"Hey, im gonna go to the bathroom, ill be right back." You say and diegos hand left your thigh and you stood up, making your way to the bathroom. You were about to close the door when someone put their hand on the door stopping it, "kevin?"

You say shocked. "You were jealous werent you he said smirking. "Whatt no what're you talking about." You say your face turning pink. "Its okay mi amor." He says getting close to you, attaching his lips onto yours, giving you a small kiss. He smiles and walks off.

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