Help me? 🙏

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You opened your eyes to your head on someones chest, thinking it was diego you wrapped your arms around the body tighter looking up.

"Joao??" you said quietly, "Morning." He said with a lazy smile on his face.

"Oh.. Hi." You said removing your arms, "what time is it?" You both said at the same time.

You laughed and sat up, grabbing your phone and checking the time, "its about to be nine thirty." You said looking back at him.

"Mmm okay, wanna get something to eat?" He said sitting up.

"Sure" you said, as he grabbed your chin giving you a small kiss on your lips, you pulled away quickly, "um.. i havent brushed my teeth yet!" You said making up an excuse.

"I dont mind, but i might have an extra toothbrush." He said laughing, "oh okay" you said awkwardly laughing.

He got up and walked over to his bathroom, while he was gone you grabbed your phone, ignoring every text messages that you had, clicking on micheles contact.

                            Michele, im over at joao's and
                            I feel so awkward, help me!!

Michele 🫶🏼

Michele 🫶🏼
Omg okay! Ill call you and pretend as if im
In trouble!

                                        Yes! Omg thank you
                                 I literally love you so much!

Michele 🫶🏼
Of course! Thats what friends do

"Here you go." Joao said, handing you a toothbrush.

"Thanks" you said giving him a smile.


"Oh, i have to take this." You said answering the call.

"Hello?" You said, "Oh my god! Are you okay??" You said acting shocked, and worried.

"Yeah! Okay, ill be there soon!" You said, hanging up.

"Im so sorry joao, something came up! Maybe we can get breakfast another time?" You said, "yeah of course, dont worry about it!" He said smiling.

"Ill text you." You said, getting up and grabbing your things.

"Yeah okay." He said, as you kissed his cheek quickly, rushing out of his room.

You sighed in relief, "dads gonna kill me." You said groaning.

You grabbed your phone calling michele as you made your way outside, "Hello, michele! Thank you so much! Oh my god you're the best." You said.

"Of course y/n, glad i could help." She said, "amor, ya deja el teléfono." You heard, "ah, um pues y/n i have to go!" She said, "Mm youre leaving me to go have fun with kevin?" You said smirking.

"Uhmmm whattt, bye!" she said, quickly hanging up. You laughed and called an uber, taking you back to the hotel.

When you arrived back you got out of the elevator making your way to your room, taking out your key.

Until you saw a blonde sneaking out diegos room, your heart dropped and you quickly opened your door walking in as fast as you could.

Your eyes started tearing up as you lifted up the jersey, you looked at it and threw it, then walking over to your bathroom.

You looked at yourself in the mirror as tears started rolling down your cheeks, you wiped them away, sighing and taking your clothes off, getting into the shower.

You eventually cleared your head and took your normal shower then getting out and putting on some clothes, brushing your hair and your teeth.

You walked over to your bed, setting your phone down putting it to charge. You layed down, closing your eyes and sighing.

As much as you loved joao, diego was the only one you loved. He was the one that made your heart beat with joy, it just wasnt the same with joao.

You noticed your ring was still on your finger and you started twisting and turning it, frowning.

You wanted to take it ofd but decided not to. It was special to you, even if you and diego werent in the best situation right now, you didnt even know if you were together anymore.

But you didnt want to talk to him at the moment so you didnt know what to do, you knew you had to talk to him eventually but youll just have to avoid him for a while.

Atleast until you're fully ready to talk to him.

A/n: i just wanted to post something rlly quick so i wouldnt forget this idea 😜 i also just remembered i never wrote abt how michele and kevin met 🧍‍♀️ should i write a chapter abt that? LMK ANYWAYS BYE 😘😘 LOVE U POOKIES 😜😘🥰

738 words.

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