Shes back? 🤨😯

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"I was going to do the best i can, even if it means ill have to play dirty. I wont let him win, especially not after he kissed my girl."

You told michele about everything, basically exposing you and diegos relationship, you already trusted her, shes been really nice ever since youve met her.

"Its okay y/n, everythings going to be fine! Estoy segura de que si hablas con el lo entendera." She says patting your back, as you have your hands covering your face.

"I dont know.. what if he doesnt want to talk to me? The look that he gave me was.. terrible! he seemed hurt, but also mad? I dont know.." you said sighing.

"Its okay y/n, try to relax! After the game ill go with you, and you can try to talk to him, im here for you." She said smiling.

You give her a hug and smile at her, "thank you so much for being here for me." You said, "Of course! Anything for a friend." She said, giving you another hug.

Diegos POV:

I was walking onto the field, and looked at the stands seeing y/n with her head down, and michele patting her back, for a second i felt bad, but it hurt seeing her kiss João.

Whatever, i just have to get my head in the game, and win.

João's POV:

I finally did it, i kissed y/n. Infront of her boyfriend, which was even better.

Now she can be mine, but right now i have to focus, theres no way im about to lose to him.

You never thought this was how your day was going to go, but it happened. While watching the game you tried to distract yourself but no matter how hard you tried, you ended up watching it.

You saw diego and joao come close to eachother and even shoving eachother when there was side kicks, or just while they were playing.

You wanted it to be over so bad, it was up to the last couple of minutes and it was a tie, 2-2.

You saw all of the players looking extremely tired but when you looked at diego, he just looked angry, and very focused.

There was only 2 minutes left, and to your shock, diego put it in.

He just had a big smirk on his face, as he was facing joao.

They got back into position and start playing again until the whistle blew, meaning the game was over.

2-3. Mexico won! You saw them jumping around and hugging eachother, everyone from the bench making it onto the field celebrating.

Diego didnt look as excited, and you knew how much these games meant to him, you immediately felt bad knowing it was your fault that he wasnt as excited as the rest of the team.


When all the players started walking out of the locker rooms, you were with michele and she ran up to kevin, hugging him and giving him a kiss.

"You did so good!! im so proud of you!" She said with the biggest smile on her face, kissing him once again.

"Congratulations kev!" You said giving him a small smile, "gracias mi amor!" He said smiling, "im going to go though ill see you both later.." you said.

"Okay y/n, ill see you later!" michele said giving you a hug, "im sorry, text me if you need anything okay? Im always here for you." She said whispering into your ear.

You smiled and hugged her back tightly, "thank you.. i will." You said, and let go waving goodbye.

You tried looking for diego everywhere but you couldnt find him, until you saw him in the corner talking with a blonde.

Not just any blonde, the same exact blonde that diego was with before you moved back to Los Ángeles.

What was she even doing here? And why was she talking to diego?

You saw diego look at you, and walk away with the blonde following behind him. You decided to sneak a little bit behind them, you saw them kissing.

You regretted even trying to look for him, because at that moment you felt as if your whole world fell apart.

Your eyes started to get watery but you sucked it in, and walked away, crying.

Maybe you did deserve this but he didnt even give you a chance to explain yourself.

"Y/n!" you heard, and turned around seeing joao, "before you say anything, i just want to say im so sorry.. please forgive me. I dont know what i was thinking.." joao said looking at you, sadly.

You looked down, and sighed, "its okay joao.." you said, mumbling.

"Are you...crying? Are you okay?" He said walking closer towards you, "no, no, im fine." You said wiping your tears away, sniffling.

You looked up at joao, and he wrapped his arms around you, letting you cry into his chest.

"Im sorry... how about i take you to mines? And we can maybe talk about things?.. instead of talking here." He said rubbing your back.

You backed away from him, "I-" you said looking around, "yeah.. I guess we can, i just want to go." You said looking down.

"Okay, lets go.." he said as you both started walking out.

You didnt care about what joao did anymore, you were just hurt seeing diego kiss that blonde girl. You loved him, but why her?..

When you were with joao driving to his place, you started crying even more, just thinking about them together, playing with the ring, twisting it around.

A/n: sorry i havent posted guys, ive been so lazy 😭😭 forgive me 😓😓 i hope you guys like this chapter, its a little short but i just wanted to post. Love u all, que duerman bien chikis 😘

You're mine. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora