Dating or not????

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"So.. what are we?"

*mature content ahead*🤭🤭 writing smut makes me cringe  HELP 😭 but i do it for u chikis 🫶🏻🫶🏻 btw i might have mispelled some stuff 😓

You woke up in diegos arms, looking at him and seeing how peaceful he looked while sleeping.

You smiled and tried to remove yourself from
his grip. "No.. y/n five more minutes please." He said in a soft voice.

"Diego come on.." he groaned, "fine" he says removing his hands letting you free.

You move away and look at him, seeing hes making a pouty face. "Its too early to wake up" he says frowning.

"Im sorry, mi amor." You say and give him a quick kiss. "Mm im going to need another kiss
to forgive you." He says smirking.

You laugh and give him another kiss except this time he grabs you making the kiss longer.

"I cant get enough of your kisses, mi corazon your lips are so soft." He says smiling at you and you blush.

"Well in that case ill make sure to kiss you more often." You say smiling and getting up, getting off your bed walking over to your bathroom.

You grab your toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it and start brushing your teeth.
While you bend down to spit it out you feel diegos hands on your waist.

You spit it out and turn around, "diego.."
"Si?" He says smirking, "pendejo you scared me." You say smacking him.

"Hey! You just looked good i had to." "Mhm, go get ready i want to go out." You say putting your toothbrush down and going to your room picking out some clothes.

Diego follows behind you putting his arm around your waist and his head on your shoulder whispering, "Why dont we stay instead, i have a pretty fun idea." He says moving your hair to the side kissing your neck.

You close your eyes, "diego i do want to but its too early." You say turning around putting your hands on his cheeks pulling him into a kiss.

"Im sorry mi amor." You say frowning. "Its okay mi corazon if you dont want to i understand." He says smiling and giving you a quick kiss.

"Let me go get ready and we can go okay?" He says letting go of you, "yeah okay, ill be ready in a bit." "Te amo ill be back." He says walking out of your room.

You smile and grab a black skirt and a black tank top. (Idk i saw this on pinterest 💀💀)

You put it on quick and do your makeup, trying to get ready quick.

You put on your shoes and walk to diegos room, opening the door. "Estas listo mi nino piojoso." You say walking as he puts his shirt on seeing his abs.

You walk over to him, "dont call me thattt." You laugh and put your hands under his shirt feeling his abs, and giving a kiss.

"I love your abs." You say blushing and giggling (ew) he smirks, "yeah?" "Mhmmm" you say putting your hands on his waist and putting you head on his shoulder.

"Then maybe you should ride them." You open your eyes and blush moving your head and looking at him. "Actually??" You say in shock.

"Only if you want to mi corazon." He says grabbing a grey sweater, You blush and look down, "um.. ya Bamonos." You say grabbing his hand and walking over to the door.


*time skip cause im a lazy hoe.* 😭

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