When your crew is behind you

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Rajkumar's friends watched him disappear among the crowd of people and took one look at each other before making their way downstairs, and towards the direction that Manmeet had run from.

There had to be a division of labor.

It wasn't hard to find the exact room she had come from as the teeming crowd of people leading there all to the front of the door was so eye-catching. By the time they had gotten there, a stout man with a hideous wound on his face was standing in front yelling at the crowd, who had come to ask for reasons why Manmeet Chatterjee left his office looking like that. He had a gun in his hand

"All of you get out of here! Get the hell out of my office or I will shoot you like I will to that bitch!"

"Goodness, has he gone crazy?!"  The crowd couldn't understand why an event staff was waving a gun about, looking deranged. Many had begun to back up and someone shouted to call the police.

As all this happened, a calm voice sounded from behind, which was very weird in this situation.

"Would you shoot me too?"

It was Veer. Many people in the crowd had recognized him, along with the other two men with him. Weren't they Rishabh Kumar and Fateh Soorti, Rajkumar Reddy's best friends? And was that Trisha they saw beside him too? What the hell?! People backed up even faster, not wanting to get burnt by this hot potato. They could not afford it.

Now the path in front of them was clear and Veer walked all the way to the man's front, staring him in the face.

"I asked if you would shoot me too, you fucker!" He slammed a fist into his face, sending him reeling to the ground. Mr. Abir could only hold his face, too terrified to do anything. How could he dare retaliate against Veeranshu Garewal? He would be totally finished by then and not even the event committee would save him. It's just that he didn't know that it was all over from the time he held back Manmeet Chatterjee's invite.

Someone else would have readily finished him.

"M-Mr. Veeranshu, p-plea..."

Veer kicked him in the stomach, irritated at hearing his name coming from his mouth.

"Did I allow you to call me by my name?! You'd better know your place."

Mr. Abir was now reeling on the floor in pain, his body hurting from yet another kick from Veer. The crowd swore they heard a bone crack and the eyes they used to look at Veer were filled with more horror. This lunatic!

Someone pointed the obvious to their relief, of course, it wasn't just anyone.

"You'd kill him, baby." Trisha calmly pointed out as she looked on at the scene where her fiance was assaulting another man without much emotion.

"He had a gun, baby. He could have hurt me or you." Down went another kick.

"I understand."

People in the crowd wanted to swear in their hearts. If that gun had hurt anyone, it wouldn't be the two of you, okay? Hey, the poor had no human rights anymore. This was blatant classism!

Rishabh shook his head at the couple's behavior, so used to this, and walked into the office, Fateh right behind him. People thought they were going to save Mr. Abir from Veer, as did he, but they just walked past them and scanned the office interior.  A broken bangle on the floor caught Rishabh's eye and he picked it up, a gloomy expression on his face.

He had a feeling he knew what had happened in this room to Manmeet. And it wasn't only him. Fateh only took one look at it before he abruptly jacked the man up from the floor and gave him a resounding slap, surprising even Veer. One had to know that Fateh was the calmest among them. So why?

"You'd better stand and answer me, you asshole. Is Manmeet the bitch in your mouth?! You bastard!"

Upon hearing this, Veer was too shocked in his heart when Fateh slapped Mr. Abir for the second time and a look at Rishabh, who solemnly waved up a bangle and then pointed at a smashed-in iPhone 13 little ways closer to the desk, confirmed it. He recognized these things and who their owner was.

Manmeet Chatterjee.

Damn. He couldn't help himself from giving Mr. Abir a one-over, too shocked at his actions. And it wasn't only him. Trisha, standing in the doorway, along with the crowd behind her, had varying similar expressions on their faces. Was he crazy to do that to someone like Manmeet Chatterjee here? That was career suicide! With what confidence? Even the most jaded ones amongst them thought he was too stupid to try anything while the event was going on. He was too impatient.

But then, they hadn't been shocked enough, because Veer's next words were enough for them to light up a memorial candle for the man in their hearts. It was officially the end!

"You actually tried assaulting Raj's fiancee?" he asked. Because even he was having a hard time processing his chaotic thoughts.

The smarter ones in the crowd understood what he was saying. Raj? Wasn't this Raj in his mouth that Rajkumar Reddy?! By the time they had gotten that, everyone else had picked up the rhythm and some couldn't even help themselves and looked at Mr. Abir, who was still in Fateh's grip, trying to remember him, as this might be the last time they would see him. He touched Rajkumar Reddy's fiancee; it was over.

His question felt like a death sentence to Mr. Abir and it was like his soul had left his body. Manmeet Chatterjee was Rajkumar Reddy's fiancee?! He hadn't seen any of that in the investigations! If he had, he wouldn't have even dared to even have any desires for her even if they killed him! No, just knowing she was connected to any of the people here would have been enough to stop him from trying anything!

He began to beg.

"M-mr. Fateh, p-please...."

Fateh just slapped him again, with much more strength in his hands this time. Why should he listen to the pleas of someone who cannot be helped? Apart from the fact that Manmeet and Rajkumar had something going on, she was also their friend. Why should they show mercy to anyone that tried to hurt her? Wouldn't they be sorry for her?

Trisha spoke up, her phone in hand.

"I had just called the police. They are on their way."

She looked at Veer as she said this, who just nodded in approval. While his family and the police had a lot of beef, this wasn't a situation for those battles. Manmeet Chatterjee, their friend, had been assaulted and he knew that the bastard responsible was worse off, alive in prison, than dead at his hands here. Rajkumar had many ways to make him wish he had begged for death today.

"Great work, baby. It's just a dead man anyways."

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