The beginning

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20th December.       11:11 pm

Dear diary,
Jin here...
I don't even know what to do anymore... I feel lost and helpless. It's almost as if I'm invisible and the world just keeps ignoring me...
I'm not a toy that everyone can just use and throw.
It's wrong that the world treats me this way...

But there is another secret that probably only my parents know yet...
I'm not a normal boy... I'm not a boy that likes girls...instead I'm a boy that likes boys... Yuck right? Yeah. Me too. I feel like I shouldn't have been born in the first place... Atleast it would prevent all the embarrassment mom and dad would have to go through...

Oh...It's 11:30 already...
I need sleep...
High school shit again tomorrow...
Another reason to die, but I'll have to live again tomorrow...

~•Sorrowful love•~ NamjinWhere stories live. Discover now