6. Painful Past

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Kim Namjoon

It's been difficult already to come to this new school and start a new life. Yoongi and I...We had to move here because the place where we were living earlier was really tiny for two grown up boys and also, Yoongi wasn't much help either.
Plus, I am the clumsiest guy in the world if that's even possible.
So i frequently broke things which annoyed our landlord.

So we got kicked out.

But that's not the only reason we moved....
Mu thoughts are a mess by the time I reach the lockers.
I don't really notice where I'm going since I'm staring at the books in my hand, and because of that, i bump into Seokjin as we both fall onto the floor.
It is only at this moment that I snap out of my daydream.

"Ouch man! Watch where you're go-" Seokjin says but gets cut off as he looks up and sees me sitting on the ground rubbing my back which hurts.

He looks at me with such beautiful eyes... I stare into those lovely eyes and notice that they're brown, like mine except that they're the loveliest pair I've seen in my life. His eyes are staring into mine as they suddenly well up with tears.

I don't want to cry. No.
Without thinking I leave everything there my books, my bag, and Seokjin, on the floor as I run towards the bathroom because I can't take in the feelings of the past.

I run and run until I reach the lavatories and lock one of them from the inside.

I try to hold back the water in my eyes but eventually it flows out...


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