9. "All alone"

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Kim Seokjin.

As I returned towards the lockers to get my books, I must have looked angry and desolate cause when Hoseok looked at me his smile turned into a frown and he immediately asked me a flurry of questions.

"O my god! Jin, what happened? Is Namjoon ok? Where is he? Why aren't you with him? Jin? Jin answer me!"
He kept speaking as I just said the three words that could come out of my lips-
"Leave me alone."
"Well, no I'm not gonna leave you until you tell me what the heck happened! You had got Namjoon right? So where is he? And why was he crying?"

"Hoseok!" I snapped making him flinch. I realised I shouldn't have done that and immediately apologized.

"Sorry. It's just, nothing happened ok? He just locked himself in the lavatory and I couldn't get him out and he didn't seem in the state to say anything so I called Yoongi and he got him out, and Namjoon hugged him and that's it. Ok? That's just it!"

By this time all the corridors had been emptied and we were just standing on a n empty floor. It was just the two of us so no one could hear us shouting.

"Oookaayyyyy...um, I think I know why you're angry."
He said. I didn't want to hear his explanation but he went on.

"You're angry cause you were the one who came looking for him and he came out only when Yoongi asked him to, and he didn't even thank you. Isn't that what it is?"

Ok. Now I think hobi is a psychopath. He just read my freaking mind!

"Well I didn't mean to hurt you Seokjin."
That familiar, deep husky voice called out from behind us. I turned around faster than the speed of light, only to find myself face to face with Namjoon. He was too close...

"I'll leave you two alone to solve your problem" and with that, Hoseok left.

And Namjoon and I were alone in the dark and empty corridor...

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