38. Favourite song

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Min Yoongi

I wake up on an empty bed. I have no idea where Hoseok is. I frantically move around looking for him only for him to come inside with a tray holding two cups.

"Hey. You're awake?" He says like it's the most normal thing to say.

Does he really not remember what heart attack he gave me yesterday?

He looks like his normal self, only that frown doesn't go from his face. He's still upset.

I look up at him, and take the coffee mug he hands me. I don't want to remind him anything about yesterday, but I can't shake off the feeling that he might have said it in a sound state.

"Hoseok?" I call out to him. He turns to face me.


"About yesterday.... Do you remember what you said to me? In..in the car?"

"In the car? when we came home? No, I... I don't, I  mean I was down and tired. When I opened my eyes today, I hardly saw where I was.

Omg, did I say something offending???"

His eyes have this fear and anxiety and it makes me laugh how he gets nervous easily.

"No, no. It didn't offend me, I was just...shocked. that's all."

"Oh no....what did I say?"

"You-" I have no idea how I'm supposed to tell him this.

I take a deep breath and tell him.

"You said...you said you didn't trust me. Or Namjoon. But mostly me, cause you didn't know my past or where I came from or, or who I actually was, how I came to this school, how- how I- "

I started fumbling. The words were in my mind but they refused to get off my tongue.

I looked down at my feet. They were soon joined by Hoseok's. He was wearing a pair of crocs with cute charms on them.

I looked up, and he kissed me.

His lips came down soft on mine. He didn't try to gain dominance. It was a soft kiss. He did not move his tongue into my mouth, so I didn't either. Only our skin touched on each other's and it was just as good a feeling as writing a song with a brilliant idea in mind.

I knew one thing for sure now.

If I was the song, Hoseok was the beat.

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