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~Namjoon's Pov~

I swear, the moment we entered Hobi and Yoongi's house, I knew something was wrong. And after the scream from the bathroom earlier, I wasn't able to stop laughing, until Jin practically asked me to "shut the fuck up".

I still didn't shut up.

When Yoongi came out of his cave (his room, that is) we all sat down, as hoseok and Jin brought us lunch. I couldn't believe it was already lunchtime.

"So Jin, how's it going for you two. I heard you're living together?" Yoongi spoke up.

I look over at Jin, he's gone red in the ears. So I decide to answer for him instead.

"Uh yeah, Yoongi, I think both of us should stay together more often, cause we've gotten"

"Closer? Wow. I'm afraid you'll be surprised that me and hoba have gotten closer too."

"WHAT!?" Me and Jin shout at the same time.

"No need to shout your ass of. What's wrong with me and Yoongi getting closer huh?!?" Hobi replies.

"No but, Yoongi, you're an extreme level of an introvert and this is just not possible that you actually got closer to Hoseok, who is a whole damned extrovert!" 

Jin explains them.

Yoongi looks over at Hoseok, and Hoseok fixes his eyes to yoongi's. And what we hear next is a shock to everyone.

"Hoba... saranghae"

All three of us break out on crack. Hobi is on the floor embarrassed, Jin is trying really hard to control his laughter because of which he just went even more red. And me? I chocked on air.

"What the fuck happened just now!?!?" I finally ask after I'm done coughing, and taking in oxygen.

All of us were silent and it slowly became awkward, so we ate the food in silence.

After lunch me and Jin head out and leave Hobi and Yoongi to themselves.

Walking down the alley me and Jin were still trying to figure out what we just saw.

"You're confused right?"

Jin speaks up all of a sudden.

"I know. Me too. But isn't this a good thing? Yoongi finally has someone to open up to. And I kinda knew this would happen. Hobi is the type to make friends really easily. It comes to him naturally."

"Well, it just went too far than just friends." I reply.

"Are you trying to say you don't trust hobi?"

Ouch. I never said it, but Jin read my mind.

"It's not that I don't trust him. It's just that, Yoongi hyung has never opened up to anyone since my sister- well, you know."

"Yeah. I know. But trust me. Hobi himself has gone through a lot, and he will do anything to protect Yoongi of that's the least he can do."

"I have to admit. These two are chaotic as hell though. Did you see the condition of the house!?"

Both of us again break out laughing as now we know that it's better for Yoongi to stay more with Hoseok...

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