41. Crying.

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Jung Hoseok

I listened to the person speaking on the other end of the call. They had apologized to me that my best friend was no longer here. They were still talking, telling me all the reasons why it had happened. I wasn't listening.

And then there was a familiar voice.

"Hyung..." It called out to me in a teary voice.


I don't say anything. Because nothing I would say, can compare to this loss.

I am crying before I know it. I am on the floor, and I have no idea where I am, so I just sit there, my back against the wall, my head hurting, knees hugged up to my chest.

I see Yoongi's familiar figure standing in front of me. He said something into the phone and threw it on the bed.

He came to and he looked as miserable as me. His eyes red, his face wet from tears.

There is no way this can be true. Jin was always so full of life.

Oh. There it is. That word.


I referred to him as if he was a thing of of past. I keep doing it. I feel so low like I've been drained out of all my energy. I feel so weak, I can't even move a single muscle.

My head feels like it will burst from this headache. My eyes are starting to hurt from all the tears. It's all so sad suddenly as if someone took away all the colours of my world and painted it a drab grey.

Yoongi speaks up.

"We need to...to go. To, confirm the..body."

He looks down as he speaks and I realise I'm not the only one who is hurt.

Just then, a picture of Namjoon and Jin together crawls into my mind. I knew all those times they were together, how happy Namjoon was. And Jin? He would be on the ninth cloud, boasting about Namjoon to almost everyone.

I make up my mind to go and meet Namjoon. He would be hurting more than me, since he was his boyfriend.

I stand up but my legs give in as I fall forward, and crash into Yoongi. He holds me tight, his one hand beneath my right arm, and the other on my back.

I tell him, "we need to go. We have to see Namjoon. I have to see how he is"

I finally stand up, still staggering, and look at myself in the full length mirror.

My eyes are red and puffy from the tears, my face has gone red in the cheeks, and my lips are a bit swollen. My nose looks an awful shade of pink and red mixed.

Me and Yoongi head out to the cars and he gets in to drive. Before he accelerates, he asks me very slowly, "Are you ok, hobi?"

I nod, not having the strength to say anything. 'Hobi' was the nickname that Jin hyung gave me, since he thought that Jung Hoseok was too long.

I love that name. But now, knowing that I will never hear from hyung breaks me.

A tear escapes from my eye as I stare straight ahead at the road. I need to check on Namjoon.

I hope he's ok.

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