45. The last stand.

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However, it wasn't only Hoseok who was going through a hard time. Namjoon didn't have it easy either.

Moving into Jin's house was easy. But now, living without him was a burden.

He did not show up at school, nor did he ever went over to yoongi's place. Never once after the accident did Namjoon touch his phone. Every time his phone buzzed with messages, he would slam his phone against the floor when he knew it wasn't a text from Jin.

Jin's room haunted him. Things would take such a turn just because of some stupid rumores, he had never imagined that. All he wished for now was for Jin to come back. It was, but an insane thought.

Not a single soul out there was able to understand his pain, his misery, his aching heart.

If only Jin was here. He would often think that to himself.

Namjoon took up drinking. His condition worsened until he knew no bounds. It was worse than Hoseok.

Namjoon walked on the same streets he had once walked with Seokjin.

He talked to himself thinking he was talking to Jin. Having flashbacks of all the memories he had made with Jin was not helping in his recovery.

Yoongi knew this was all because of grief. And they just couldn't accept the fact that Jin was gone.

It was Yoongi, who had to bring them to their senses somehow.

If I have to pretend to be dead, I'll go as far as that to bring prevent these two from becoming living corpses.
He thought to himself.

And so, he met both of them. Took them to a cafe, and made them sober up from all the crying and drinking. At last he said-

"Guys, I know things are difficult. I'm not going to say they're easy. No one has it easy. But we can't just give up. Namjoon, think. Would Jin really want this for you? To drown yourself in drugs or drinking or whatever the fuck you've been doing?

And Hoseok!? I am so mad at you right now, that if I didn't love you with all my heart, I would've ripped your head for what you're doing.

Look. It's hard to go back to normal ok. I know. But I'll help. Just tell me when you need a good cry and need to wash your heart out.

I'll be there."

Both of them, being younger than Yoongi, followed his instructions.

They cleaned up the mess of their life, including the rooms and houses, and left all the good parts scattered.

Life might not be easy without their only hyung, but they were trying their best to keep up with all that was happening.

For Namjoon, sobering up wasn't easy, but Yoongi had all his beer bottles thrown out in the trash. He ordered veggies and fruits and energy drinks for him regularly.

As for Hoseok, he still needed to cry his heart out, and so, when things were difficult, he would step back, lay in Yoongi's arms and have a good cry.

Life was going back to repair the giant Seokjin shaped hole in the lives of these three beautiful souls.

But when life didn't have it easy, then.....

The sky would cry along with them.

Wtf this is possibly the longest chapter of this story.

(And probably the last one too)

Anyways, please vote and comment on the story lovely people!

Thanks for reading!
-With love

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