
35 2 4

What just happened?

I wake up next to Namjoon, and as soon as I try to stand up, my legs fail to support my body.

I fall back on the bed, making Namjoon wake up. Oh shit....

"Hey handsome. You're awake."

I look back at him, and even in the morning, he looked great. And me?

Well....I look like I just came out of a pile of trash.

I sit up on the bed, as I feel Namjoon do the same beside me. I look at him in awe, but suddenly I'm so overwhelmed that I just throw myself on him, burying my face into his chest and sob all my fears away. I feel his arms embracing me as I feel warm and nuzzle in even closer.

He holds me like I'm a baby and rocks me back and forth. He doesn't even ask what's wrong, so I decide to explain him.

"I'm sorry Namjoon. I'm just, I'm crying cause I'm just so happy that I have you. I know I have Hoseok, but you just, you just feel so right. I feel like I have a part of me in you. I am just so lucky to have you."

He looks at me, slowly pulling away and replies,
"You're right Jin. I am lucky to have you too. I find solace in you, and I feel like you are a part of me, and I am a part of you. You feel like the person I can confide in, easily."

Making me stop crying comes with a lot of efforts as Namjoon patted my back and held me for about 15 minutes before I eased down.

Finally, I went to cook some food for the both of us and he went to the shower. I was still cooking, when I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist and a familiar face appears, resting his chin on my shoulder.

I ask Namjoon to get off so that I can cook properly.
We sit, eat and leave for a stroll outside since we don't have school today.

We walk down for about 15 minutes until I realise we don't even know where we're headed.

"Let's go to yoongi's." Namjoon says when I ask him.
It's actually a pretty good idea since I want to see how he and hoseok are getting along. Since the day Namjoon cam to my house, and asked about my bruises, he usually stays at my home for the night, and Yoongi happily has the whole house to himself. And hoseok apprently.

When we enter the house, the place is a huge mess. Half part of the house looks clean af, and the other looks like a pigsty.

Judging by my years of living with hobi, I'm sure that the cleaner side is him, and the other side is Yoongi's which would be clean if he were not so lazy to do it.

We slowly move inside, and hear a deafening scream.

Me and Namjoon rush towards the source of the scream, only to find hobi standing on top of the toilet with a stick in his hand, pointing towards a small lizard that was  chilling out on the floor.

Me and Namjoon look at each other and break out in heaps of laughter, as we see the scared face of Hoseok.

"Why the fuck are you two just standing there!?!? Help me!! Get this thing out of hereeeee!"

Yup. Hobi can be insane at times.

Should I keep the story going???

~•Sorrowful love•~ NamjinDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora