7. Caring anger

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Kim Seokjin

I was still on the floor when I saw Namjoon's eyes tearing up. I couldn't understand if it was because he hurt himself due to the fall or what, but what followed after left me in a shock.

His eyes slowly filled with tears that threatened to flow any second. He got up rubbing his eyes and ran aimlessly. I got up on my feet and rushed after him as fast as i could.

I got to the end of the corridor just in time to see him slip into the lavatories. I rushed inside to where he was and knocked on the door as hard as I could.

"Namjoon!? Are you ok? Namjoon! Open the door!! Namjoon ple-"
I was cut off by the sound of....sobbing?

Was Namjoon crying?
But why?

I shouted with all my strength but all I got was a muffled reply

"Go away Seokjin"

Well, if he wasn't coming out, I'll have to bring Yoongi.

I went and fetched Yoongi as fast as I could and explained him everything that happened.

We both rushed towards the lavatories only to find the door still locked.

"Namjoon! It's me, Yoongi. Joonie open the door. Come out and tell me what happened!! Come on, I promise I won't scold you or do anything else. Just- come out please!!!"

I could read the worry written all over Yoongi's face. He was sweating. As if he knew the consequences if he didn't get Namjoon out in time. Does this mean it has happened before...?

Thankfully to our relief, the door slowly opened to reveal Namjoon who's face was stained with all the tears he'd sobbed.

He went straight for Yoongi as he buried his face in his neck and Yoongi stroked his brown hair.

I felt a hint of anger rising inside me. Like, come on? I know Yoongi is your good friend but I was the one who got him. Can I atleast get a thank you?

But I saw that he was not in a position to say anything right now. And I didn't want to get angry on him. So, I just left the place without a word, still feeling bad about him.

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